Guitar and just hanging out
just whoever
Have You Ever...
Gone skinny dipping? yea
Climbed a tree? yea
Fallen out of a tree? no
Gotten drunk? yea
Been high? yea
Passed out? yea
Made yourself pass out? yea
Been out of the country? no
Been on a plane? no
Been on a train? no
Broken the law? yes
Been beaten up? no
Skipped school? yea
Faked being sick to skip school? yea
Had a cavity? yea
Had surgery? no
Broken a bone? yea
Sprained anything? yea
Met a celebrity? no
Been to a concert? yea
Gone skydiving? no
Gone bungee-jumping? no
Gone skiing? no
Gone snowboarding? no
Kissed someone of the opposite sex? yea
Kissed someone of the same sex? no
Gotten anything pierced? yea
Pierced anything yourself? no
Made yourself cry? no
Cried in public? yea
Cried because of a movie? old yeller
Been to Disney? yea
Been to a theme park (not Disney)? yea
Gotten an award? no
Been on stage? yea
Failed a class? yea
Been on honor roll? yea in my younger years
Taken drugs? yea
Eaten anything really gross? no
Been in a competition? yea
Been arrested? yea
Been to court? yea
Gotten in a fight? yea
Been called a slut? yea
Lost something really valuable? no
Been on a road trip? yea
Been home schooled? no
Fallen asleep in a movie theater? yea
Eaten anything that's living? no
Gone camping? yea
Gone surfing? no
Moved? yea
Lived in a different state? no
Lived in a different country? no
Been in an ambulance? no
Gone to the Emergency Room? yea
Been stung by a bee? yea
Nirvana,Pearl Jam, Alice in chains, Hank jr, Rock and country and some rap
Favorite movie is Forrest Gump, it kicks ass
CSI, Friends, Seinfeld I dont watch much tv though
Kurt Cobain rocks, too bad hes dead