Luno profile picture


theoretically yours,

About Me

the songs are abstractions of my experience, which, while always unfolding, still relates to what you hear here. i'm a staunch supporter of people being human, loving one another and speaking up when we see things happening that are hurting us on the whole or as individuals. i won't say what we should and shouldn't do but i will say, we have a choice as to whether or not we wish to be abused or to abuse ourselves. what we each choose is up to each of us and no one else.

My Interests


Member Since: 12/3/2005
Band Members: Luno
Influences: experience, social climate, vision
Sounds Like: when ugly finally realizes how pretty it can be
Record Label: mugwump recordings
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

clean page

been clearing my brain of clutter lately. it's a process, an experience. it's something. haven't been sleeping for shit the last week. hiked all over the place today, hoping that tired me out well eno...
Posted by Luno on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 09:44:00 PST

working the inbetween lyrics

3,000+ MILESyou kept callingi kept sleepingunable to eaterased your every messagetrying to wipe my memory cleannever thought i could beso heartlessstaggering through the wrenching achetowards that lig...
Posted by Luno on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 09:42:00 PST