Ruben profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Well, I'm from South Austin, born and raised. I just graduated from the University of Texas. I like to watch sports, whatever is in season, but mostly baseball. I enjoy playing golf in my spare time. I like hanging out on 6th street, any bar that serves $1 beers on thursdays is usually my spot. I like taking trips to places I've never been before. movies layout @ HOT
What alcoholic drink are you?

You are the classic "get me drunk cheep and fast" alcohol. You are a party person!
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My Interests

I like sports, music, movies, and traveling.

I'd like to meet:


rap/hip-hop, classic rock, some alternative, some country(George Strait)


Goodfellas, Blow, Happy Gilmore, Bourne Identity, Bourne Supremecy, La Bamba, Three Amigos, Spaceballs


Simpsons, King of the Hill, Sportscenter, MTV, Seinfeld, Comedy Central


Muhammad Ali, Babe Ruth