I am a full blooded Mexicana.
Born and raised in Tijuana, Baja California. My mother, worked at a cantina called "De Alta Clase" and she concieved me right there, at work, on Avenida Constitucion. She planned to deliver me at the hospital Del Prado but I was premature. She didn't make it all the way there so, she delivered me down the block from "De Ata Clase" right on a bench on Avenida Revolucion! That's why she named me Adelita, because Mami thinks I am a daughter of the revolution. My sister, on the other hand, was born in the United States. Seeking opportunity, Mami, made her way across the border and fell in love with an American who I-will-not-name. So, my sister's really a half-breed. She tried to reconnect with her roots by marrying a Mexicano but he was a cheater AND bisexual. So, she left him. She recently had a baby with her Latin lover Fidel. Sooo cute! I was married too, but after a couple of years my husband became EXTREMELY controlling. I was unable to be an "obedient" wife, spoke my mind, and he became a TYRANT. So, I left him. I realized that oil and water just can't mix. Some things seem great in THEORY but in put into practice and you have a DISASTER. THANK GOD I DIDN"T BRING CHILDREN TO THIS WORLD. Dios mio! What would've become of them? We also have a little sister, but we haven't spoken to her (or Mami) in a couple of years. She's Mami's success story because she was on the cover of Playboy and is married to a famous actor. Sissy and I are Mami's mutant, hybrid, freak children. She is SO ashamed of us. Oh well, C'est la vie!
Every day I tell sissy, "We should be more like the Japanese. No cross-breeding!" I take it back... NO BREEDING....period. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a man hater. In fact, I LOVE men and agree that they are very important to the creation of mankind. But that's all. They need to stay where they belong- at home playing dominoes. Women are smart, sexy, and beautiful and the men in charge have done way to much damage by dominating and ruining our modern society. Let's get things back to the way they used to be.
The Adelitas are a unique sisterhood AKA, The California Women's Revolutionary Alliance. Our manifesto: Utilize the spirit and power of women, mobilze our communities, build a strong future for our families and children through education and support for the arts. ESPECIALMENTE CON MUSICA, BAILE, Y TEATRO. Together we stand and together we mobilize! Viva la revolucion!!!!
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