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About Me

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-I'm a smartass extroadonaire and I'd like to think of myself as slightly artsy fartsy...mostly fartsy hahaha J/K!
-My style...well...I can't really pinpoint or catagorize it, but I'd have to say my style is inspired and generated from my mexican heritage, MUSIC, The surf/skate Culture, the Kustom/Hotrod Culture, Graffiti, Dadaism, Pop, Bauhaus and Surrealistic Art....Hahaha...I don't know if that helped describe my style...JUST LOOK AT MY PICS!
-I don't consider myself a photographer but I know a thing or 2 about ol' school photography(I was a photo major at OCC for about 2 years). I've done studio setups, used large format cameras, developed/processed and printed my own negatives and prints in a darkroom, etc. If possibble, I prefer to shoot my own photos when I'm designing an ad.
-As far as mediums used in my artwork; well basically I'm a "hands on" type of gal and a broke mo-fo, so what I can afford out of the clearance bins in art stores is what I will use...believe me, I'll make it work! I've used Guache paint, acrylics, watercolor, oil paint, clay, Mod Podge, airbrushed, colored pencil, marker, spray paint, paper mache, wood, foam board...Literally haha whatever I can find.
-Graphics-wise, I'm experianced with The Cs programs; Photoshop, Illustrator and Indesign...I can use Quark but I prefer Indesign for those design purposes.I'm a typogrphy snob, I love Typography...and I believe typography can make or break your design. Bad typography is such a turnoff!
-Be sure to check out the musican on my song player _JasonLee_ his tunes are radness! Not only did I do the album artwork but I'm the screamer in the song thats playing ("She's Fell Alseep")
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How I made my profile:
I used Dave & Jay's amazing myspace editor .

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