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le ilaha illahAllah Le ilaha illahAllah Le Ilaha IllahAllahIt was Only A Matter of Time!!The following text is to be publicly declared as common knowledge of the millennium: The unknown substance in our Universe, formally known as "Dark Matter", is composed primarily of Lead (Pb plumbum) 82protons, Bismuth (Bi) 83 protons and heavy elements above 82 proton mass. As "A Matter of Time" Radio Active Decay of All Heavy Elements, via 4 chain series, which is the Greatest Natural Law of the Universe, which until now has been neglected. The last 10 years have revealed many new discoveries regarding heavy elements this subject can now be understood. The following outline presents new Empirical Cosmological Laws of Action/Reaction and Cause/Effect characteristics displayed by cosmic element abundances that are only derived through Time; an amount of ordered sequenced events which will take place between any two points. ~Alpha Element Abundances Beginning element production of Time:<~>Alpha Particle(helium)Production 1. ml 2. % 20universe.thermonuclear%20detonation.helium%20abudance.htm 3. i_ id=20863755 4. 5. di=B6T VN-470G390-DX&_user=10&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=s earch&_sort=d&view =c&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=1 7cdb048f16a5444b97 9eeb813aa1655 6. amp;lpg=PA 25&dq=cosmic+abundance+of+photons&source=web&ots =kzNu7Y5TXu&si g=TVRnI_dVCq-uus8rIHiy1BdfpLw&hl=en&sa=X&oi=book _result&resnum =8&ct=result.<~>Beta Particle(Hydrogen) Production 1. ml 2. 3. 4. &lpg=P A123&dq=hydrogen+abundance+weinberg&source=web&o ts=rhWKQteHW7& sig=7RhBCIGFYuzbPzEU4GYqHZz3YKE&hl=en&sa=X&oi=bo ok_result&resn um=1&ct=result.<~>Gamma Particle(High Frequency Photon/E.M.Radiation) Production 1. ml 2. 3. i_ id=6401495 4. 5. ly /element_abundances.pdf 6.<~>Om ega Element Abundances End production of elements in Time: Cosmic Lead(Pb) Abundance 1. -01 .html 2. 3. di=B6TV S-49322Y3-1&_user=10&_coverDate=06%2F30%2F2003&_ alid=801713612& _rdoc=3&_fmt=high&_orig=mlkt&_cdi=5542&_sort =v&_st=17&_docancho r=&view=c&_ct=733&_acct=C000050221&_version= 1&_urlVersion=0&_us erid=10&md5=9bfc9c696de7c49650756640fc6390a6 4. &lpg=PA 243&dq=cosmic+abundance+of+lead+pb&source=web&ot s=NRatxqOKMa&si g=6GhQpSutNIiq1jOh3pSUGxSn_EM&hl=en&sa=X&oi=book _result&resnum= 4&ct=result 5. tandard &Itemid=129&url=/articles/aa/full/2004/46/aagg211/aa gg211.right .html 6. 7. i_i d=6329375 8. 9. di=B6TV S-3VSNGD3-X&_user=10&_coverDate=11%2F30%2F1996&_ alid=801713612& _rdoc=20&_fmt=high&_orig=mlkt&_cdi=5542&_sor t=v&_st=17&_docanch or=&view=c&_ct=733&_acct=C000050221&_version =1&_urlVersion=0&_u serid=10&md5=0f10eb47f16533f31a33c900fceba570.<~>C osmic Bismuth(Bi) Abundance 1. i_i d=20863755 2. a0. html 3. 4. ;access =standard&Itemid=129&url=/articles/ndata/pdf/2007/01 /ndata07493 .pdf 5. 6. 7. C_7 4_2006_025807_Bi209-ng.pdf.<~>.Recently discovered mysterious "Actinide Boost Phenomenon" in the Cosmos 1. 2. tandard &Itemid=129&url=/articles/aa/full/2004/48/aa1536/aa1 536.right.h tml 3. &lpg=PA 274&dq=actinide+boost+phenomenon&source=web&ots= lGABiPQreh&sig= JC_rX95-P_CYJohHvCl1NpYxNmo&hl=en&sa=X&oi=book_r esult&resnum=4& ct=result 4. ch% 20for%20New%20-%20Beers.htm.<~>Latest News on Composition of Halo stars in Galaxies 1. 2. html 3.<~&g t;A brief summary of the following outline... All objects submit to the Laws of Time. Time is the Universal Law of Nature. Without Time there is no relevance, chaos and disorder rule everything. According to the Empirical Laws of Time, large intervals of time transform heavy nuclei, proton mass > 82, inevitably into lead isotopes. The larger the interval of Time the larger the decay elements produced. All Heavy elements must decay in Time. Radioactivity is produced by Time. The initial amount of nuclei above 82 proton mass has an important role with respect to calculating the History of Time. To accurately make approximate calculations in determining the amount of Time(Radio Active Decays R.A.D.) which has taken place since an initial beginning, one has to be able to determine the history of events that take place. The determining factor of history is the amount of lead(pb) isotopes present with respect to the amount of Alpha, Beta and Gamma particles present. The Empirical formula must have its underlying foundations based upon this knowledge. .<~>The ratio of the amount of Lead(Pb) to Alpha, Beta and Gamma particles become the cosmological chronometer of Time Universal. .<~>Cosmic Law: Radio Active Decay(RAD I, II, III)I. Alpha Particle(Helium production)II. Beta Particle(Hydrogen production)III. Gamma Particle(High Frequency Photon/E.M.Radiation production).<~>Applying RAD I, II, III concludes1. Lead(Pb) and Bismuth(Bi) Cosmic Abundances 2. Alpha, Beta and Gamma Abundances.Abdullah Joshua Radwan Visiting Professor at King Abdulaziz University Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

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SCHWARZENEGGER! That Guy had the best body ever in his prime...nobody will beat his bodybuilding records! Besides all of that stuff EVERYBODY Loves the man..he is a really likeable big guy. People used to trip watching him play chess when he was Mr. Universe..watching the biggest man move the tiniest little pieces;)I also wouldnt mind meeting a nice wealthy man by the name of Prince Waleed Bin Talal. He is beyond america's rich man Gates. He came from a humble beginning and is one of the kindest BIllionares on the planet who really does care about all people even if they are not Islamic

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Check out this video: trophy truck off-roading

Check out this video: trophy truck off-roading
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