shopping at abercrombie... I mean alot. I love meeting new people around my age group Between 15 to 20 and please no-1 older, all ya want are my GOODIES... and im fresh baked out. I also love to make mean people feel like shit. BCUZ there is no point to life if all your gonna do is shit all over a person's parade. I am also into dancing and just hanging out with friends
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I would love to meet the co f-ing founder of tiffany and co. because I love that store. Also Paul walker or anyone that resembeles PAUL WALKER will do and im in love with jesse oh and george clooney and ricky martin are hot!!!!!!I STILL LOVE YOU OSCAR EVEN THOUGH YOU LOST TO THE BIGGEST SHIT TALKER OUT THERE BUT ITS OK!!HAHA FLOYD MAYWEATHER IS A BALL LICKER.LOL
I am musically ifactuated. I have my favorite groups but I am open to listening to almost everything. But i am in love with fort minor i love their song where'd you go.
MY favorite movie was Napolean dynomite and i actually saw it in the theaters (for all you posers out there that started seeing it after it became popular, I hope your happy you have repeated the funny slogans so many times... now there shit) make your own quesadilla... hahaha no longer funny. OH and i forgot i love the breakfast club and sixteen candles love them to death and war of the worlds and i love scary movie they are so fun to make fun of. LOL
I love laguna Beach i will f-up all those girls. Has anyone noticed though that maybe everything scripted just a tad. and has anyone thought why the life seems so perfect i mean has anyone seen a retard on that show c'mon except for that retard casey but she really cant be considered retarded because she is on crack half the time and like why is the only fat girl been cut out ever since that jason fag found out he was into sausage. I lOVE LAGUNA BEACH (FAKE ASS SHIT). Also NIP/TUCK I mean must I say more. All they want to do is make everyone look beautiful is that so wrong. And and the carver is my man although he kinda has no penis. I dont need it til we get on our honeymoon He ain't getting my Goodies anytime soon
I hate All the harry potter books its like magic kiddie porn( ha just kidding I kinda like it) And flowers in the attic it teaches you how to stick kids in the attic and kinda get away with it. And my FAVI is Haunted its so perverse and grownup it makes me feel kinda like i should read more shit.
First Name: Nancy
Middle Name: Evette
Birthday: 9th of november
Eyes: yes i have them
Hair: yup have that too
Fav color: Blue
Day/Night: night thats when all the freaks come out... hey hey
Fave Food: I dont eat if i want to be a model i must be disciplined from the beginging, but if im good i get to eat sugar water
Do you ever wish you had another name? syes like petula the librarian. but my parents are spics and that did not work into their vocabulary
Do you like anyone? Yes
Which one of your friends acts the most like you? my second and third person who live in this head
Who's the loudest? my imaginary friend bobo.. you crazy fuck get out my room
Who have you known the longest of your friends? bobo and maybe brandy serrota but bobos close
Who's the shyest: bobo who only talks to other crazy people who can see him
Are you close to any family members? yeah my brother andrew
When you cried the most: all the time im so sad i just found out im not getting the tiffany bracelet i want
What's the best feeling in the world: getting that god damn bracelet... give it now
Worst Feeling: parents denying me any money... lol yeah right
Let's walk on the: moon
Let's run through: the halls of my high school " JOHN MAYER "
Let's look at the: world, with more people that look like me... awh
What a nice: face... now cover it up with this bag.
Where did all the:
Why can't you: breathe whenever you think about me
Silly, little: faggot , dicks are for chicks
Tell me:
Ran away from home: yes; but my carboard box which i call home, was not enough
Pictured your crush naked: nope
Skipped school: dont have to my parents let me stay home when i want
Broken someone's heart: yes thats just what i do
Been in love: nope
Cried when someone died: Yes im not cold hearted
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: lol MY WORLD DOES NOT WORK LIKE THAT
Done something embarrassing: like taking this stupid quiz
Done a drug: does crack cocaine count. Because then im a real junkie
Cried in school: nope
Your Good Luck Charm: My sombrerro
Person You Hate Most: I dont hate anyone becuase i just dont care
Best Thing That Has Happened: I was born
Ice Cream: oreo
WHO Makes you laugh the most: Myself... im just that funny
Makes you smile: My mirror.. that sexy beast
Has A Crush On You: I dont know
Do You Have A Crush On Someone: yes
Fallen for your best friend?: maybe
Made out with JUST a friend?: Nope
Kissed two people in the same day?: WOW skanKy
Had sex with two different people in the same day?: No thats just nasty
Been rejected: . LOL nope
Been in love?: NOPE
Been used?: NOPE
Done something you regret?: everyone does but i wouldn't change it... You just learn
Cheated on someone?: Never would
Been called a tease: Nope because i just dont tease
You touched?: My mommy
You talked to on the phone?: I think his name was McNastty " 1-800-get the freak on"
You hugged?: MY family we do the group hugging thing every sunday
You instant messaged?: McNasty you so Nasty
You kissed?: VIRGIN LIPS THANK YOU LOL just kidding
You yelled at?: IM always bitching
Who text messaged you?: Who doesnt
Who broke your heart?: No one will ever do that
Who told you they loved you?: my fam
Number of things in my Past I Regret: alot, but who cares
MY UNCLE I love him ever since he showed me how to profit off of used, abused, and willing skanks. supposedly you tell them your their pimp slap them around and give them like 2 percent commision. And my slutty grams everyone might know her from her famous donkey show in tijauna. OH and maybe the president bcuz I now know that you can be a leader of a country even if you are dumb as bricks as long as you have money.