Ice skating (aka falling on my arse every five minutes......very entertaining) Kickboxing, Action Movies (go Jackie Chan!) Playing with my dog. Spending time with my hubby and friends!
Bernadette Peters, J. D. Salinger, Maya Angelou
All kinds....
Too many to name. I really enjoy cinematography. Let's start with 80's movies shall we? Goonies, Princess Bride, Ferris Bueler's Day Off, all of the Back to the Future movies. 90's: Anything suspenseful...I hate most chick flicks but tove anything by Jackie Chan. Weird, I know. Crap. I am blank...again too many to mention Silence of the Lambs, Forest Gump, The Fugitive, Patriot Games, Clear and Present Danger, Double Jeopardy,Eye For an Eye, Class Action, The Firm, Disclosure, Presumed Innocent, many more Most recent favorite: I love the Harry Potter movies and of course the books.
Monk and Desperate Housewives AND Greys Anatomy
Which genre?
My husband. :) Everyone that has ever met him loves him. :)