here goes a few: God, worship, Switch, talking, working out, bodybuilding, eating, the sky, the stars, sleeping, dreaming, drawing, video games, dang myspace, making money, jokes, telling stories, spending money, games, poker, computer, star wars, Hot Wings, girls (dagum trouble makers), hangin out, watchin movies, my GRANDPARENTS, listening to music, milk, chinease food, meeting new people, making friends, parties (i act right), church, speghetti, chicken and dumplings, tuna, hot pockets, okra, chili, peanut butter, egg sandwiches... ok now I'm just gettin hungry...
I love meeting people. So, if you wanna meet me then I probably want to meet you too. That is, unless your crazy. I can be shy at times, but generally I am an outgoing person. I can act pretty goofy.
I like all kinds of music. Except stinkin' country. That stuff is depressing. My favorite music is all types of rock... especially praise and worship.
I like all types of movies. my favorites are: Pirates of Carribeann one and two, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Lethal Weapon series, Die Hard trilogy, King Kong, the Matrix Trilogy, War of the Worlds. I'll watch a good chick flick from time to time if its with good company. Any Adam Sandler, Will Farrel, or Jim Carry movie ever created! Basically I like all action movies or comedies. Yea I know, I'm a dork.
Ok, I NEVER watch T.V. anymore. I just dont have the time...
The Bible . The Case for Christ was good. Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover. More than a Carpenter is awesome. Its a short book to so go get it and read it. Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis spells out exactly what christianity is all about... I think we all tend to forget what our FAITH is truely about.
..1 GOD: I just wish I expressed that as much as I SHOULD. Pastor Jeremy Simmons and the other leaders at Highlands. My friends Adam Britt and Justin Wallace. If you know them then you know hey are an awesome influence and would help you with anything you need. My cousin Geoff. He has been my best freind for as long as I can remember.