Basketball, Partying, Drinking, Partying, Having fun, Hanging out, Did I mention partying, Sleeping, Yeah...Sleeping. That's great. test
Lots of fun people. Mostly people I went to school with or haven't kept in touch with. But anyone actually... I'm not trying to look for people to date. If you wanna meet me, then you're gonna have to learn how to respect a woman. Treat her how you would treat your mom. Get it, Got it, Good. Oh yeah, and anyone who can handle hot sauce as much as me. %D%A
%D%A %D%A%D%A
%D%A girls layout @ HOT MyHotComments
Rap, Hip Hop, and RnB. End of story. Okay so I'm gettin into a lil country and alternative. Don't blame me. Blame my friends.
A crap load of friggin movies. But my all time favorite. Love and Basketball. Can't get any sexier than gettin hot and sweaty with a guy playin sports. Whooooo yeah.I'm a ..
I haven't read in a hella long time...I'ma start one of these days
Enrique Iglesias cuz he says he can be.....