Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle...
What’s Your Mental Age?
You’re a great person to know ‘cause you’re so wise and mature. Plus you’re probably good at shuffleboard.
The good news is, you're fearless, and you've got a healthy outlook on life. The bad news is, you've got one foot in the grave. Hey, that's okay - we're sure you'll be partying it up in the afterlife, too.
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Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle...
What's Your Top Emotion?
You must be petting a goose, ‘cause you’re feeling down.
Always a pessimist, you never let yourself get too happy – probably because you don’t think you deserve to be happy. You think that sadness is more authentic than happiness, so you choose to keep your cool by getting glum. All of that’s a bunch of hooey and you should just start smiling. (Unless something happens that’s, you know, really sad.)
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Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle...
What's Your Sense of Humor?
Pasta!!! Armpits!!! Going carp fishing!!!! Are you laughing hysterically yet?
You’re an absolute goofball, which is something that people love about you. You know to find the funniness in just about everything. A very admirable skill, to be sure. Though we’re not totally confident you’d do very well on “Meet the Press.â€
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