Official SnoWhite Support profile picture

Official SnoWhite Support

About Me


The band has been founded in winter 2007 by Dino, Purtsi, Julius and Vode.
In June 2008 Rafaello decided to join, cause he really liked the songs of the band and they've already asked him to join from the beginning, but he said that he is busy with his other two bands.
They had their first gig during Tammerfest in Amadeus (09.07.2008) supporting Seven Stairs.
After that Vode decided to leave.
Dino, Purtsi and Julius gave free hand to Rafaello to choose a new guitarist. He decided that Sir General would be the best choice.
First gig as SnoWhite (former known as Blaquarium) was in Vastavirta Klubi, Tampere (13.09.2008) supporting The Bitterlicks and The VooDoo Nights.
According to Raffe "muzag is a great mixture of stoner rock, punk, groovy rock'n'roll...."
"Is it my body" & "Number of the beast" are the only two cover-songs they are playing.


Julius: vocals

Dino: drums

Purtsi: bass

Rafaello: guitar

Sir General Christus: guitar

Thanks to Raffe for all the kind help - Kiitos paljon! :)

My Blog

News Blog from the SnoWhite Camp 2009

Those News are taken from SnoWhite's Official Myspace:Purtsi's choice SW's bass player Purtsi has left all of his other bands for SnoWhite!  He felt that SW is the one that deserves all attention and ...
Posted by on Fri, 23 Jan 2009 05:20:00 GMT

Concert-Review 13.09.2008 Vastavirta Klubi, Tampere (FIN) by Jyrki Kallio/Aamulehti

here is a concert review about the gig in Vastavirta Klubi, Tampere (FIN) 22%3ABlogPost%3A7912 unfortunately it is only in finnish but i ...
Posted by on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 09:44:00 GMT