☆NiKki☆ profile picture


i might do that, or i could just give myself a boob job with a rusty butter knife and two water ball

About Me

about me? its all about me.............i wish, my son has taken that role. im a mom who loves her husband and son. they pretty much take up all of my time, but i still manage to go out and have some fun.....and why not im still young. damn jeager bombs.....thanks kendraa href="http://www.schoolyeargo.com/?ref=1638389"
Dating & Relationship Advice
MySpace Layoutshttp://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user. viewprofile&friendid=41164769»-(¯`v´¯)-» Design your MySpace with MyLook «-(¯`v´¯)-«

My Interests

hanging out with the family, shopping of course, the beach, long walks......... its relaxing, chillin with friends, poetry....ahh you know the norm

I'd like to meet:

me......from the future.....and the president of the united states..........uhhhhhh wait did i just say that?


MUSIC??!!! i like all types of music. right now though id have to say i dig james blunt its pretty chill and the little one likes it too. 80's music still kicks ass though, and of course HIM duhhhh my wedding!!!RIGHT HERE IN MY ARMS (H.I.M.)

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comedies are my fave. but id still have to say my favorite movie is cruel intentions. ask me why and i couldnt tell you.


the war at home.......of course, too freakin funny, house family guy greys anatomy


havent read one lately...........unless parents magazine counts.


my hero?............i would have to say my son riley. he is my all

My Blog

how normal are you

You Are 45% Normalhttp://images.blogthings.com/hownormalareyouquiz/somew hat-normal.jpg" height="100" width="100">While some of your behavior is quite normal...Other things you do are downright strange...
Posted by nikki on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 10:11:00 PST