I bet you didn't know that I am
terrified of the dark,
and every time I think of you, I smile.
I bet you don't know that I hate thunderstorms
but love dancing in the rain.
or how much I laugh with my friends
& how much I truly enjoy being happy.
or how much I doubt myself every day.
I bet you don't know how ticklish I am
or how I can't make decisions.
& how it drives me crazy
when you look into my eyes.
I bet you didn't know that I would
do anything to be with you.
But mostly I bet you didn't know
how much I love you
MyHotComments / HotFreeLayouts
Very talkative people and really just anyone who comes my way..as long as their nice and not judgemental... :)Do you know what girls really want? They want real conversations and real love. We want cute dates together, nothing expensive, the truth is we only want to be with you. We want to hold hands and lie beneath the stars. We wanna be able to say something stupid and not worry about it. We want a guy that will love us for nothing but being us : plain and simple
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xt{}TDprofileInfo A:hover IMG{}.contactTable .whitetext12{}.blurbs .orangetext15{}.intrestsAndDetails .whitetext12{}.latestBlogEntry .btext{}.friendSpace .btext
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I have 2 say, I do like chick flicks..but i also like action and probably most of all comedy...oh and the dukes of hazzard
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my Mom and God
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