Sarah Palin for President profile picture

Sarah Palin for President

I am here for Networking

About Me

I am not Sarah Palin. I am just a typical American concerned for this nation's and the world's future. In March of 2008, I first discovered whom Sarah Palin was. Saw her on TV a few times and started reading up on her. I was immediately impressed. A highly ethical, talented, accomplished, and family oriented individual whom I thought was a breath of fresh air with common sense & a set of ethics/integrity Washington was truly missing. I had been telling all my friends she should be McCain’s VP choice, but I was happily surprised that Friday morning when her candidacy was announced.Why did McCain-Palin lose? The primary reason is an economy spiraling out of control and the party in power is always the one to blame. John McCain never really had a chance. Americans were disgruntled with the state of things and our highly biased liberal mainstream media took full advantage of it. No, it does not matter that this housing/credit bubble goes back to the policies of the 1990’s (i.e., see this 1999 NY Times article about Fannie Mae - credit-to-aid-mortgage-lending.html?sec=&spon=&pagew anted=1) nor that terrorism was ignored & allowed to flourish during the 1990’s. GWB and all Republicans are the target and the one blamed.Oh, I can be critical of John McCain. I can ask why didn’t he fight harder? Why didn’t he bring up the birth issue with Obama? To this day Obama has failed to prove he is a natural born US citizen and, per info at my blogs, it is highly questionable if he is even eligible to serve as President. Why didn’t McCain press the Reverend Wright issue from day #1? He had every right to. Why wasn’t the Odinga issue ever brought up? Is it true Obama once went to Kenya & campaigned for his radical cousin while there? When the press ridiculed Sarah Palin’s $150k clothes, why didn’t John McCain or his team fire back, “Obama has spent more money on a Presidential campaign than anyone since Nixon & won’t even disclose the source of his international contributions and you question $150k of clothes the Republican Party loaned Sarah Palin & her family?” Oh, I heard more about Todd Palin getting arrested for DWI in his youth than I heard about Obama’s use of cocaine in his. I heard more about Sarah Palin saying she can see Russia from her house than I heard about Joe Biden saying President FDR went on TV in 1929 to calm America! Sorry Joe, but FDR was not President in 1929, there was no TV in 1929, Truman was the first President to go on TV & that was 1949, & nothing anyone said in 1929 calmed America on the eve of the beginning of The Great Depression! But do not let facts get in your way Joe because the press had Sarah to kick around. Oh, by the way Joe, “JOBS” is not a 3 letter word – it is 4 - and you may tell Barack that there are 50 states, not 57! Yes, we are in trouble! Sigh, sad but that is the truth we witnessed.No, I am not attacking John McCain. Even with a highly liberal Democratic Congress blocking his every move I believe he would have been a far superior President than Obama. Oh, this economy has to play itself out and Congress will most likely follow the advice of the Treasurer and Fed Chairman but I think bad taxation policies can heighten the problems. We are in a recession as are many nations. Obama's wild spending, projected to take us to a $9-10 trillion deficit within a decade, may take us out of recession or worse but the cost could very well be hyper inflation. It is not pretty whatever way you look at it. I do believe our odds would have been far better with McCain than Obama. In addition, Obama’s foreign policy absolutely scares me. John McCain gets it and understands what is at stake. Above all else, I respect John McCain for the war hero he was and his lifelong service to our nation. Nah, not complaining about John McCain. Wish he had fought a different fight during the 2008 campaign. Wish he had better campaign advisers. But, honestly, in the end – the economy and the press did him in. He was way behind in the polls before he chose Sarah Palin, gained with her presence, and then lost it when the stock market imploded.Despite the press’ rants & raves, I believe Sarah Palin wowed an awful many Republicans and others during the 2008 campaign. I cannot even begin to tell you how many people told me they wished she was running for President. Or how many told me they wished she would speak more freely, more at ease as herself. Well, she is doing just that now! Go Sarah!Governor Palin, should you, a family or staff member ever read this: I hope you go for the Senate! Perhaps some consider Governor more prestigious than Senator but the US Senate would accomplish a few things. It would give you exposure to Washington with an eye towards the Presidency in 2012. Oh, I know it would be a great family expense to move to Washington. A Senator’s salary may be a little more money than Governor but it would cost the Palin’s a lot to house their large family in the DC area. On the other hand, there are no term limits to Senator and you could potentially serve a very long career as Senator not to mention the Presidential possibility. Governor Palin: Please go for it! We need you in Washington and with your popularity you can accomplish an awful lot for your home state in Washington. So do it for Alaska, for America, and for the Palins!I know Governor Palin will not specifically state she wants to be a US Senator for Alaska now let alone the President elect in 2012 but I also see her leaving the doors open in all her statements and making her presence known despite the 2008 election being over. Yes, all her efforts can only help the state of Alaska but I also see it as the beginning of the campaign for 2012. This page of mine here was originally called Sarah Heath Palin for President in 2016 but I changed it the night of 11/4/08 to Sarah Palin for President. I thank all of you for joining my page here and hope you join in the campaign to make Governor Sarah Heath Palin President in 2012!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

"Someday" (1/20/13) - Madame President Sarah Palin:Hannity: Sarah Palin on government growth and spending - Part 1 (6/8/09):Hannity: Sarah Palin on government growth and spending - Part 2 (6/8/09):Greta Van Sustern- Exclusive: Gov. Palin, Pt. 1 (11/11/08):Greta Van Sustern- Exclusive: Gov. Palin, Pt. 2 (11/11/08):Greta Van Sustern- Exclusive: Gov. Palin, Pt. 3 (11/11/08):Greta Van Sustern- Exclusive: Gov. Palin, Pt. 4 (11/11/08):Part 5: Post Election Interview With Gov. Sarah Palin (posted 11/11/08):Part 6: Post Election Interview With Gov. Sarah Palin (posted 11/12/08):Fox News Greta Van Susteren interviews Sarah Palin DAY 2 Part 1 (11/12/08):Fox News Greta Van Susteren interviews Sarah Palin DAY 2 Part 2 (11/12/08):Fox News Greta Van Susteren interviews Sarah Palin DAY 2 Part 3 (11/12/08):Fox News Greta Van Susteren interviews Sarah Palin DAY 2 Part 4 (11/12/08):Fox News Greta Van Susteren interviews Sarah Palin DAY 2 Part 5 (11/12/08):Sarah Palin on Greta: Obama Should Veto Stimulus (2/16/09):

My Blog

The initial warning re: economic crisis

Received this email tonight:This video shows that George Bush tried to warn Congress in 2002 that this economic crisis was coming, if something was not done! But congress refused to listen, along with...
Posted by on Thu, 11 Jun 2009 21:15:00 GMT

Obama, You Scare Me - Open letter from Lou Pritchett to Obama
Posted by on Wed, 10 Jun 2009 19:57:00 GMT

Media Malpractice - How Obama Got Elected & Palin Was Targeted

Summary of the DVD/ad: addition, John Ziegler's Smackdown of ObaMSNBC's Contessa @6/10/09: player_embedded
Posted by on Wed, 10 Jun 2009 13:07:00 GMT

If you are a "Democrat for Sarah!", please comment

I have heard from a number of people this past year whom told me they consider themselves democrats but support Sarah Palin.  Some voted for McCain strictly because of Sarah Palin.  Others have become...
Posted by on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 23:39:00 GMT

BORN IN THE USA? - Latest news on Obama birth certificate

Birth certificate issue may be buried from the mainstream media but not dead: 
Posted by on Fri, 22 May 2009 05:57:00 GMT

Petition to Stop the Obama Constitutional Crisis:

Petition: 44 Consititutional Crisis over Obama's Qualifications:   Was Barac...
Posted by on Thu, 13 Nov 2008 23:25:00 GMT

Supremes asked to halt Tuesdays vote

Supremes asked to halt Tuesday's voteConstitutional crisis feared over Obama's 'qualifications': I do not believe this will ever happen but h...
Posted by on Sun, 02 Nov 2008 02:02:00 GMT

James and Daddy - 1 Million Friends Challenge

James has childhood Leukemia.  Please help his dad make him the most popular person in Myspace & to help raise awareness of childhood cancer! Please add him to your friends list today (their ...
Posted by on Thu, 30 Oct 2008 02:39:00 GMT

Redistribution of Wealth: The waiter, the homeless guy, & the tip!

I saw this on a Yahoo message board.  You may laugh but when you think about it, it really is not funny: "Today on my way to lunch I passed a homeless guy with a sign that read "Vote Obama, ...
Posted by on Mon, 27 Oct 2008 01:15:00 GMT

Do you want to live in the USSA? - United Socialist States of America

I do not agree with everything in this video but enough of it.  Yes, I am gravely concerned should Obama become our next President.  So is Joe The Plumber.
Posted by on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 03:23:00 GMT