Evil Mallow Is Fonzie profile picture

Evil Mallow Is Fonzie

About Me

Name: Evil Tyler Hunt (or Evil Marshmallow as most people know me by)
Birthdate: Evil November, 10 1988
Birth place: Evil Waterville Maine
Eye color: Evil Hazel
Hair color: Brownish Evil Black
Height: Evil 5'7'' (Give or take an evil inch or so)
Heritage: No Evil Reply
Shoes you wore today: Evil Dada Spree's
Your fears: Being Raped By An Evil Clown
Perfect pizza: Pepperoni and Bacon, thin crust, Evil Tony's Pizza
Living situation: Evil...I guess...
Pets: An evil cat...
Your bedtime: Evil 2:00 A.M.
Most missed memory: EVil McDonalds every Sunday w/ Evil Brent and Evil Tyson
Pepsi or coke? EVil Pepsi....but I do drink Evil Coke....
Mcdonalds or Burgerking? Evil Mickey D's
Coffee or cappuccino? Not a Real Big Coffee Drinker...Evil Espresso
Lipton or nestea? Neither... Evil Arnold Palmer's Half & Half
Have you been in love? Yes
Do you want to go to college? Yes
Are you a health freak? Not really
Do you get along with your parents? Yes
Ever been beaten up? Not really...
How do you want to die? Something elaborate...or decapitated by an evil train...What a morbid question
What do you want to do when you grow up? Evil Sell-Out
Favorite hobby? Evil Hockey Card Collecting
What country would you most like to visit? Evil Senegal or Evil Latvia
Piercings... None
Number of things in past you regret: 6,722...Evil Educated Guess
Do you eat meat? Yes
What kind of deoderant do you use? Evil Old Spice or Evil Axe
Do you have straight or curly hair? Curly
Do you work out? Occasionally
What's the color of your room? Evil Green
What size bed do you have? Evil Twin (hehe.)
Are you an honor student? Hell no!!!
Are you prone to getting sick often? Yes
When was the last time you cried? When My Evil Parents Beat Me This Morning
When was the last time you showered? After I Last Cried
What are your summer plans? Sleep. Eat. Swim. Shower. Evil Video Games. Stay Up. Repeat.
Where do you work? Currently Unemployed
What is your aim screen name? tylerzx3113... Lets chat it evil bitches!
Where have you vacationed to? Evil Philly. Evil Boston. Evil NYC. Evil Vineland NJ. All teh kewl evil places.
Favorite type of food: Evil Fetticini Alfredo
In a guy/girl
Color hair: Dirty Evil Blond
Color eyes: Evil Green
Build: Skinny
Length of hair: Shoulders
Style: Not Too Slutty
Do you like to dance? Yes
Do you eat dairy? Yes
Have you ever been drunk? Yes
Have you ever gone white water rafting? No
Do you enjoy the outdoors? Yes
Do you wish you were somewhere else right now? No
Ever skinny dipped? Yes
What time do you wake up? Noon
What car do you drive? Any
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A bunch of stupid, random questions to beat the boredom
What do you wanna be when you grow up?: An **Evil PORNSTAR**
Is 30 old?: Not Really Evil
What's your major?: Evil MAJOR PAINE!!!
Do you have a crush on anyone?: Yes
What's the prettiest part of your body?: The Evil pen is the best part
What celebrity would you shag?: Evil Kate Moss... then we could do coke after sex!
Have you shagged any celebrities?: Plenty of them (All Evil.)
Have you met any celebrities?: Yes... Evil Paul Kariya is my boy!
Do you think you'll ever get married?: Yes...
What do you want your wedding song to be?: Evil December 1963 (Oh What An Evil Night)
If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?: Evil Latvia
If you were stranded on a desert island,what 2 things would you take withu?: An Evil boat builder, and a case of evil nails
What is your favorite club?: Evil Pittsfield has nothing... no evil clubs... no evil fun!
Movie you wished you had starred in: Evil Battle Royale...except its all evil Japan kids, so I'd look weird
Any other celebrities you would shag?: Evil Arnold Palmer
Who is the coolest person you know?: Evil Me...
Who do you know of that you wanna meet, but you've never met?: Evil GWAR!!!!
Name the 5 most beautiful people that you know.: Evil Me, Evil Myself, Evil Mallow, Evil Tyler, Evil Marshmallow
Name the 5 most brilliant people that you know.: Evil Me, Evil Myself, Evil Mallow, Evil Tyler, Evil Marshmallow
Whats the best class you ever took?: Evil TV Production (I'm holding back evil laughter)
What's the best job you've ever had?: HAHAHAHA!!! Im a quarter evil! Me work!
Is there someone that you cant stop thinking about that doesnt know it?: Yes...
what song is in your head right now?: Highway To The Evil Danger Zone- Evil Kenny Loggins
What did you eat for breakfast this morning?: Evil Hash Browns, Evil Toast, Evil Cereal...
Do you love your mom?: Yes.
Do you love your dad?: Yes.
Do you love our siblings?: I hate evil Mo... but evil Viv & evil Norm's ok...
Do you get along better with men or women?: Both
Plain or peanut?: Evil Peanut
smooth or crunchy?: Evil Smooth
White or wheat?: EVIL WHITE POWER!!!
Coldplay or Nivana?: Evil Coldplay sucks, and EVERYONE and their evil grandpa listens to Evil Nirvana... Neither
Purple or Chartruese?: EVIL CHARTRUESE OWNS YOUR SOUL!!!
Aliens or Ghosts?: Evil Ghosts
Do you believe in ghosts?: Yes..
Favorite movie?: Evil Halloween
Favorite Christian Slater movie?: I wish Evil Christian Slater would die....
favorite drink?: Evil Arnold Palmers
Favorite alchoholic drink?: The Evil Mallow (Evil Scotch, Evil Rum, & Evil Palmers)
Favorite mixed drink?: The Evil Mallow (Evil Scotch, Evil Rum, & Evil Palmers)
Favorite city?: Evil Vinland NJ
Favorite store?: Evil Dacardworld... --- Owns You
vices?: Evil GTA Vice City
addictions?: Evil Palmers
fetishes?: None I'm gonna state...
Favorite food?: Evil Fetticini Alfredo
Favorite animal?: Your Evil Mom... She's an EVIL ANIMAL!!!!! (Evil Penguin)
Best friends name(s)?: Evil A-Mart
Think of a number between 1 and 10: Evil 3.1
WRONG!!!: "NO! You're wrong Evil Colonel Sanders, Evil Mama's right!"
Have you ever thrown up on someone really hot?: I wish.
Has anyone really hot ever thrown up on you?: No...But that would own!!!
Have you ever been to mexico?: Once you go Evil Mexican, You'll never want to have evil sex again! ...No...
Do you obssess over little things?: I'm like Evil Monk... O/C/D!!!
Do you have any tatoos?: I will in a couple months
Do you have any peircings?: Nope.
What is your ethnic background?: 1/4 Black... 3/4 White
Name three sexy people's myspace names.: Mallow Is Fonzie, Mallow Is Fonzie, Evil Mallow Is Fonzie
now 3 more.: (Same)
now 3 more.: (Same as Same)
Have you ever broken anyones heart?: I broke an evil baby...
Has anyone ever broken your heart?: Yes.. X(
Do you refer to anyone as "the one that got away": Yes... Evil Teri Schivo
Have you slept with anyone that is on myspace?: Yes.. (Evil Cam. hehe)
Did you think that that question was a little too personal?: Nope.
Republican or democrat?: Evil Democrat
liberal or conservative?: The funny one.
what's your favorite word?: Uber or Bitchin
who is the hottest woman/man in the world?: The glare on my evil comp says... EVIL ME!!!
Who would you kill if your morals would allow?: I killed an evil man in Nam...
what's your favorite restaurant?: Evil TGI Friday's
are you glad this quiz is over?: Not Really.
tricked ya! What color are your underwear right now?: Evil Blue, Evil Red, Evil Grey, Evil Boxers
If you could join one band, what would it be?: Evil Cake
If you could resurrect one band, who would it be?: Evil Dexy's Midnight Runners
Favorite male vocalist?: Evil Trey Anastasio
Favorite female vocalist?: Evil Whitney Houston (Pre-Crack)
favorite athelete?: Evil Paul Kariya
favorite body part on a guy/girl?: the evil female CLImaTe control (Very Subtle...)
What your ideal mate should look like?: Dirty evil blond.. nice evil legs... etc...
what your ideal mate should act like?: not TOO evil sluty... evil flirty's good though
what your ideal mate should be intersted in.: Evil Sports, Evil Music, Evil Movies (Evil Horror especially)
how he/she should propose: ON HER EVIL KNEES!!! LMAO! J/K
What band does your ideal mate absolutley have to love?: Evil Beastie Boys
what can your ideal mate not do?: Flirt with other evil guys...
give 10 initials (max) of the boys/girls first names that you want.: Evil LA, Evil RO, Evil LF, Evil JM,& Evil JG
Do you believe in soul mates?: Sure...
Do you love yourself?: Yes... I'm an evil conceded jerk...
Do you love your friends?: Yes..
Who do you love the most in the whole wide world?: My evil friends... and myself of course...
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Most evil people would say some ghey evil person like the Evil President or the Evil Jamster CEO (WHO I WILL KILL!!!), but i'd have to say the nicest person i've ever met... Evil Paul Kariya...or Evil Lindsey Lohan since Evil Lindsey's a babe... and I'd tap that... Trent Can't Step On My Mad Evil Skills
Evil Broken Home - - Look For Evil Losers - Taint Your Evil Friends - - Bakin' Evil Bacon With Evil Macon - EVIL ADS!!! (Not Really) - Evil Buzzsaws Get your own Custom NavBar Here

^^Teh Evil Shit^^

^^Evil Gunther Owns Your Mama!^^

"Who is the evil man with skin so pourous he'll kick your evil ass into the evil rain forest? EVIL CHUCK-A EVIL CHUCK-A EVIL CHUCK NORRIS!!!" --- Evil Ignacious P

Who Would Slaughter You in a Horror Movie? Find out @ She's Crafty

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