dancing, talking on aim or on the phone or in person (i love my friends), shopping is my forte, listening to music is my fav,and of course studying hard but partying harder!
no b*tches or a$$holes allowed and don't be a creep. thanks =)if you think you're worthy of getting to know, take a chance and we'll see how it goes"patience is essential..."The one in black..I want him :)
any kind! hip hop, pop, r & b, reggae, slow jams, alternative, punk, emo..the list goes on...
Serendipity, Maid in Manhattan, SWAT, the Recruit, Booondock Saints, Mary Poppins, any Pixar movies, scary movies, Harry Potter, beetlejuice, the goonies, the classic disney movies, the wizard of oz
the OC, grey's anatomy, prison break, mtv cribs, music videos, real world, CSI, law & order:SVU or CI
Harry Potter, the alchemist, 5 ppl u meet in heaven, angels and demons, the davinci code, books by: roald dahl, dean koontz, stephen king, james patterson..anything that keeps me readin' more