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I am here for Friends

About Me

Im ASHTON I can be seen as a person of good will, im filled with good intentions but often lack the time to fulfill them. I have an ETREAMLY HIGH trust level and im optimistic. I love to flatter people when ever I can, I like to develope people and build organizations, im always worried about how people think of me, im always trying to please every one, im a vary social person in favorable environments. Im generous and gregarious, im easy going @ work and @ home. I place my focus on my friends and family, to me strangers are just friends i havnt met! I because of my high standerds am sensitive to anything I work towards. Im always trying my hardest to improve myself.
Im good at giving verbal and nonverbal feedback that encourages people to be open an to trust me an see me as respectfull and helpfull. I cant hold grudges agenst anyone one EVER When ever I have strong feelings about something you will expect to hear them from me and probably through emotions. Because of my tust in ppl i can some times misjudge them. I only make big dicisions after gathering suportave facts. I use alot of gestures when I talk haha lol. im always looking on the positave side of things,
I offten wonder why and dont understand why no one sees life as I do??? Im am always there to help someone in need with talking or hanging out r venting your feelings. I have a bad time with masking my feelings and keep them bottled up inside. I am a friendly and trusting person. I am Optimistic..
-I have a positave sence of humor
-I am enthusiastic
-I mix well with all kinds of people
-Im a good problem solver
-love to make goals and accomplish them
[email protected]

My Blog

Dear Meth Heads A Poem For You!

I am Meth, i destroy homes, i tear families apart. I take your children, and thats just the start. Im more costly than diamonds, more precious than gold, the sorrow i bring is a sight to behold. if yo...
Posted by on Sat, 05 Aug 2006 15:00:00 GMT

MEMORIES WITH ME?! dont care who you are, do it!

  If you read this, even if we don't speak often -post a comment with a memory of you and I.It can be anything you want, either good or bad. When you're finished, post this paragraph on your blog...
Posted by on Fri, 30 Jun 2006 13:35:00 GMT

Who Would Go.?

Soooo, its been like A YEAR since i have posted a new blog so yah...I just wantd to know really if I asked it of you would you Run away with me with out knowing anything or knowing anyone to where wer...
Posted by on Thu, 25 May 2006 20:39:00 GMT

and so does this quote

A girl asked a guy if he thought she was pretty, He She asked him if he would want to be with her forever....and he said no. She then asked him if she were to leave would he cry, and on...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Dec 2005 01:55:00 GMT