:: Fräulein J.
:: Herr P. (Seuchensturm)
Das 2008 gegründete Projekt "Seuchensturm" entstammt aus dem gleichnamigen Black Metal Projekt. Es behandelt sozialkritische, martialistische und historische Themen.
The project "Seuchensturm", founded in 2008, comes from the eponymous Black Metal-Project. It dealt with socially critical, martialistical and historical themes.
Coming soon:
:: Song for MySpace with Trist from the eponymous Black Metal-Project (already online)
:: "KINKY:LOUNGE:MUZAK" Sampler (already online on the HL presents...-profile)
:: Atmospheric Accompaniment on the coming "Gassturm"-Release (finished and waiting for the GS-Track)
:: Album "Um Jeden Preis" on Beverina & War (out on Nov/Dez '08)
:: Split with "WAFFENRUHE" on SkullLine (in work)
:: Song with JK ("VON THRONSTAHL") ...planned...
:: Split with "BUNKERTOR 1" ...planned...