LORI profile picture


HARLEYS, MUSIC, TATTOOS!!! AND THE BEACH!! Is there anything else??

About Me

What's Your Element(girls)? (PICTURES)
You're Element is Water. You are soft and serene at most times but like Wind, you're scary when you're angry. You proabaly have a talent is singing and even your speaking voice is lovely. You have an innocent type of beauty that makes you look younger than you are and you like close relationships with people. (please forgive me if you cannot see the pics. If you go to my userpage then you can see your result picture at the bottom)
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You are Maryiln Monroe
A classic tortured beauty
You're the dream girl of many men
Yet they never seem to treat you right What Famous Pinup Are You?

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


**** MY NEPHEW BOBBY**** And all the American armed forces.

My Blog

The difficult kind

I think I was wrong, I think you were right All my angry words, will keep me up at night Through the old screen door, I still hear you say Honey won't you stop, treating me that way If you could onl...
Posted by LORI on Thu, 03 Aug 2006 04:58:00 PST