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You're as funny as your sex life and twice as gay.

About Me

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My Interests

I like everything and hate everything else. Oh and I love art.

I'd like to meet: is a website dedicated to exposing ExxonMobil for the criminals they are aswell as saving some animals in Antartica or something. Click Here to Petition against ExxonMobil's contribution towards Global Warming. The Flash Cartoon below is a satirical cartoon representation of their evil. (originally hosted on . Enjoy.

Spread Love from the Myspace Rabbit. Just Copy and Paste the following link.

Spread Love from the Myspace Rabbit. Just Copy and Paste the following link.

Death. Jeebus. Satan. Santa Claws. The Easter Bunny. Samuel L. Jackson from the movie Pulp Fiction. Adam Sandler so I can tell him he sucks. Carrot Top so I can kick his ass. Tony Danza so I can tell him that I'm the Boss. Vida Guerra so I can slap her on the ass. Jennifer Lopez so I can point and laugh at her. My father so I can thank him for boning my mom. Myself from the year 1998 so I can kick my own ass for being a dork.

Help spread this. Just Copy and Paste the following html.


I listen to alternative heavy metallic country hip hop and anything that makes my ears bleed; like techno.
Lil Scrappy's MySpace Page
Nothing but love for Houston.


Passion of the Jew. Mortal Kombat. Snatch. Purple People Eaters. Cinderella the XXX version. Jaws. Harry Potter and the Sandwich of Death. Once Upon a Time in China I II III. Land Before Time. Winnie the Poohs Excellent Adventure. Desperado. Trainspotting Jesus. Domino Harvey. Blade THREE Trinity from The Matrix. The Matrix I II III. Shaft. X Men. Spiderman. Venom. Tim Burtons Nightmare before Christmas. Chuckie I and all the movies that don't suck.
I don't watch television. It watches me.


All of the Dean Koontz books(currently reading False Memories) All of the Stephen King books (last Stephen King book read...the shining) Robert Ludlum, Dr. Suess, and everybody else that doesn't suck.


Satan. Everybody from the movie Fight Club. Chris Cringle. The Guy on the Pringles Can. Super Mario. John Leguizamo from the movie "Pest" (the part where he dies). A pencil sharpener. A can of tomatoes. Darth Vader. and everybody else who doesn't suck.

My Blog

Come Up with a Title for Me. Winner gets Recognition and some.

Happy Halloween fags!    "We got a rare case here, LT", Deputy Shane Lancaster said as he waved around a manila packet. "Turns out a cop from the 61st Precinct shot an unarmed pedestri...
Posted by JP on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 08:25:00 PST

The Anti-Christ of Comedy

 This is the best the world can do? An angry Italian man in an Omelet costume suffering from tourettes syndrome who goes around whacking things with a bat whilst being followed by a midget sideki...
Posted by JP on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 11:39:00 PST

Illustrator Project_Spawn Completed

So far its like 20 layers in Illustrator CS2. Mostly incompleted layers. I'll post more work on it as I finish it. 2nd with 35 layers and etc...etc...Almost complete. Its close to 100 layers. 100 usel...
Posted by JP on Sat, 09 Sep 2006 09:55:00 PST

I should make a comic book. Starring your mom.

Its late but I put some effort in to it. Kill yourselves for not understanding this sentence and the previous one. ...
Posted by JP on Wed, 02 Aug 2006 12:05:00 PST

Read this or die. Don't believe me? My gun begs to differ.

If you are into graphic design or are just fascinated by art and photography then join our group. We will be hosting photoshop battles  every week with different contenders. You can compete if yo...
Posted by JP on Sat, 17 Jun 2006 02:51:00 PST

Photoshop Madness.

I try not to fail at things but usually I end up disappointing myself. Well, I'm not the type that gives up easily. This took about 3 to 4 hours. I think. Well, I'm sort of satisfied with it. My frien...
Posted by JP on Thu, 25 May 2006 06:36:00 PST

Photoshop Battle

Keith and I are in a competition to see who can come up with the best photoshop geared toward certain themes. This weeks theme was "Bus Monitor". Anyone who would like to vote can go post a comment he...
Posted by JP on Wed, 10 May 2006 01:22:00 PST

An assortment of words.

I figure I'd be a little serious for once and just write about whats going on in my life. I doubt anybody reads this crap. Well, my nephew was born yesterday and seeing someone so small and unaware ...
Posted by JP on Thu, 27 Apr 2006 10:50:00 PST

How do you talk to girls?

I actually thought this would be an easy question to answer but when I had to answer it; I couldn't give a good one. *To get a good idea of what I was facing with know that this guy is 4 years older ...
Posted by JP on Fri, 24 Mar 2006 12:48:00 PST

I don't write poetry but I do freestyle. Sort of.

I wrote this a while back. I've written alot of shit but most of it is in battle form.I mostly post in battles against other members of a hip hop site. Alot of what I write is posted on this website w...
Posted by JP on Mon, 13 Feb 2006 05:39:00 PST