Agent Jones profile picture

Agent Jones

your official mosh pit gaurdian angel.

About Me

fishnets and chucks.

first off: dont let the cute picture fool you. i most likely hate you. i am not a face-collector. just because i have a bunch of "friends" doesnt mean i want a bunch more, especially if i dont already know you. dont try to add me without at least talking to me first ("hey sexy" DOES NOT COUNT, asshole). that pisses me off a lot, and i'll know you didnt even read this far into my profile. loser. if you insist on being a moron and carrying the debate further, i will verbally rip you a new one. and please dont bitch about it, you're asking for it.
well, now that that's taken care of... for the people who don't suck:
i hate everyone. i drink too much coffee and talk too much. i smoke and drink, and enjoy my self destructive tendancies. i like to quote musicians and philosophers, cause they take the words right outta my head. i compulsively collect girlie things like cute undies, argyle socks, hair clips, nail polish, and (not-so-girlie) compilation CDs. i love my dog because chances are, she's cooler than you. duh.
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My Interests

i don't believe in free time, so don't ask me what i do "for fun" if you message me. i like boys, booze, movies, coffee, books, and stuff like that. i dig pop culture and the myth of counter-culture. i'm into a lot of stuff, i just don't DO much aside from work.
also body art... photography... astrology... anthropology... indian food... procrastination... making lists...

I'd like to meet:

i ought to hang out with all my old friends, but it never seems to work out.... but it's not like I'm trying to ignore you guys!
oh, and for the record, i am most certainly dating someone. and no, i won't leave him for you. and then i'll tell him you asked, and he'll start playing with his knife. moral of the story: don't effing hit on me. sheesh.[you know you want to. you know you love me]


Top 20 bands, according to number of tracks on my computer:
1. NOFX (102)
2. Bad Religion (80)
3. Alkaline Trio (73)
4. Reverend Horton Heat (62)
5. Vandals (56)
6. Screeching Weasel (55)
7. Less Than Jake (55)
8. the Living End (54)
9. Rancid (52)
10. Reel Big Fish (52)
11. Briefs (50)
12. Descendents (46)
13. Anti-Flag (45)
14. AFI (45)
15. Tiger Army (44)
16. the Clash (43)
17. Guttermouth (42)
18. Ramones (40)
19. Dead Kennedys (39)
20. Operation Ivy (39)
Honorable Mention: Against All Authority, Bouncing Souls, Johnny Cash, Streetlight Manifesto, Suicide Machines, Social Distortion, the Tossers.


dark comedy
smart people comedy
some stupid college humor
movies that make you say, "woahhhh.... fuck, man!"
sometimes crime-dramas are ok
Henry Rollins spoken word
Shakespeare adaptations
NO romantic comedies need apply.


Recently I have discovered online TV. whew. When I have the time, I like to cram one whole season into a couple nights--like Firefly, Deadwood, 24, Psych... and if you have real tv (ie cable) I'll come over and watch cartoons with you. pretty much anything on adult swim is ok.


Salman Rushdie and Chuck Klosterman should be required reading to speak to me. Currently working on Naked Lunch. Books I Own but Have Not Read:
the Rock Snob's Dictionary
the Film Snob's Dictionary
We've Got the Neutron Bomb
Desolation Angels
the Town and the City
Last Night a DJ Saved my Life
Kafka's Diaries
a biography on Marilyn Monroe


specifically--Jay Bentley, Ginger Reyes, Jimbo, Patricia Day, Kim Nekroman, Hunter before he went crazy, Dan Adriano & Matt Skiba, Fat Mike, Matt Freeman, and Steve Kicks....
and all those really smart, profound, creative people who had the balls to do something new, different, or for the first time. i hope i'll be one of them one day.

when i grow up, i want to be the perfect mix of Fat Mike, Henry Rollins, and Tim Armstrong. except with boobs.