I do math & I drink orange juice..
WeLL I aLReAdy Met tHe LovE oF My Life, sOoOo iN tHat cASe, yOUr mOm, OtHeRs WhO sUfFeR fROm OcD, StARViNg ArtiSt, BLiNk 182, gOd or GoDS, MySELf 10 yEArS fROm nOw & tHe MaStERbAtiNg bEAr.
[all the things you try to hide, will be revealed on the other side]
tWiN fALLs idAhO
lOrD Of tHe riNgS
VaN WilDEr
dUMb & DuMbEr
VeGaS VaCAtiOn
pUlp fiCtiOn
kiLL biLL
mONStEr's bAll
fEAr &; lOatHiNg iN lAs VeGaS
IdLe hANdS
dONniE dARkO
tHe hEAthErS
pOiNt BrEAk
biLLabONg OdEsSEy
fiGht ClUb
uNfOrtUnAtEly dUe tO My wOrK & sCHOoL sCHeDuLe I dON't gEt tO wAtCH mUCh tV.......bUt I lOVE tHe SiMPsOnS, fAMily gUy, fUtUrAmA, Metalocalypse, rAVe tV, aNytHiNg On tHe fUSe ChAnNel, MxC, sPiKeTv, the PlaybOy cHaNNeL, AQuA tEEn hUnGeR fOrCe,ShiN ChAn, jOn & kAtE pLUs 8[watching the misery of dysfunctional families is funny, it just tickles me red]
Mr SpARkLE!!!
I read comic books........
mOmmy & dAd Of cOUrSe aNd mOSt iMpOrtANtLy......
mY bOyfRiEnD jOEl, hE's dONe sO MuCh fOr mE, iF it wASN't fOr HiM i'D bE dEAd..............