Ok, time to shake things up!!
My name is D and I live in Texas.
Currently I am working at a doctor's office in Oak Cliff (Dallas), Texas. I do most the paper work you lucky individuals never get to encounter when you visit the doctor.
My goal in life was to become a Forensic Pathologist and play with corpses all day . . . but now I am not so sure.
I hated UTA. I left after my second extended trip to Singapore and now I am saving up to move there, possibly indefinately. So now my goal in life is to get the fuck out of here!
POSTPONED!!And when I get to Singapore, what then? I plan to enroll in National University of Singapore - Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine.
POSTPONED!!If I don't make it I guess I'll check out the polytechnics and enter a specialized nurse/medical technician's field.
POSTPONED!!But even that is kinda on the if-side.
I'm not 100% anymore about what I want to do. It's just that time in life for me.
Most currently, I am going to TCC to get my basics out of the way. Why spend $3,000 a semester on courses no one cares about, or spend $500? Hmmmm . . .? It's not rocket science! I Need my 12 hours for my health/dental insurance!
I have played violin for 10 years and it is now a permanent attachment to my body!
My equipment:Violins:Gunter Maibach Traditional- Evah Pirazzi Gold Coil
Suzuki Maestro Electric- Evah Pirazzi
Guitar:B.C. Rich Warlock Bronze Edition: Elixer Heavy
Kramer Striker 300ST(?, currently in storage)- Slinky Medium
OAHU Publishing Co. Hawaiian Slack String Electric Guitar circa 1920's.
All from their hands, you will know them if you love them.I do know I am evil, sarcastic, sardonic, and I don't sugarcoat things. I am brutally honest and very blunt. If you can't take the truth or reality hitting you in the face, don't hang out with me!
On the other end, I have been told I am pretty smart for my age ( and a wise-ass). Some say I am cute ( must be the fact I am 4 ft nothin'),very thoughtful, and caring.
So many people to disillusion . . .so little time!
And let me make something else painfully clear. I will not add you as a friend without being sent a message first! I am not here to add a number into your list or as filler. I'm here to meet people with the same interests, network for music, to make friends, and learn new things. If you're just interested in a digit, please move on to the next profile!
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