Sleeping, vedging out changing into pjs getting some food and watching a movie, reading, writing, cuddeling with my Ralphie, going out... anywhere I dont care. Going shopping (not for clothes) spoiling my friends and my man. I like working. My job is great. I guess thats all I can think of.
Elvis.... I love Elvis!
I like anything.
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Chick flicks!! comedy, drama, some action it just depends.
American Idol, Reba, Roseanne, wrestling, whatever is on that looks good.
There are 4 people that come to mind because of the way they have impacted my life and made me into the person I am. My mom, she is wonderful and amazing and giving. She has always done whatever she can for me no matter what the cost or the distance. She always did her best to make me happy and give me what I wanted/needed. She has the ability to juggle a million different things at once and still kick ass at every one of them. Bobby because without him I would not be whole. He is loving and patient and kind. His sense of humor is amazing. He is such a wonderful person and I am lucky a million times over to be with him. I love you very much. Lindsay you are my shining star. I love you so much. You are my best friend and the closest thing I can think of to a perfect person. You are amazing. Katie you are my military hero. I am very very proud of you and the wonderful person you have become. You have and are going to do some wonderful things with your life.