Avalanche !!! New EP out now !!! profile picture

Avalanche !!! New EP out now !!!

About Me

The journey will launch you into the depths of the human soul: desire, absurdity, the Myth of Sisyphus, cynicism, depression, suicidism, molestation, dependency, addiction, normality, love, existence, the life of black sheep and scapegoats..., just to name a few of the rich fund of products offered by this band.

They have the right thing just for you, just right for just you!

AVALANCHE... recommended by leading experts

side effects may occur, consult your doctor or physician

individual results may vary

AVALANCHE... better than the other leading brands

batteries not included

do not operate heavy machinery under the influence of AVALANCHE

AVALANCHE... you tried the rest, now try the best

Maybe that's what the ads could look like, but that's bull, too. Probably the only way to find out what it's all about is to see or hear them yourself.

As they joined together to form the band back in 2007, the musicians Alex Koch (drums), Tosse Basler (guitar, vocals) and Marius Müller (keyboard, synth, guitar) had already worked together in the past on various projects. Each one of them brought a few years of band-, stage-, studio- and business-experience into the venture. However, at this point we're not going to go into that in detail - in favor of focusing in whole on the newest music by the band AVALANCHE, which is practically presenting a quantum leap in their musical development.

The band name AVALANCHE arose during the conception of the program „Avalanche of Ignorance“. Now that they had a name, the musicians began rehearsing regularly in preparation for their live gigs and simultaneously recorded their six-song EP of the same name at the s.o.t.a.-studios in the beginning of 2008.

... one could say that the band implements a variety of stylistic elements, that the band knows what they're doing with their instruments, that the sound is contemporary, that the songwriting is oriented along the Metal sound of the 90's with vocals that remind you of the 80's, with elements of Alternative and toolesque passages: call it Alternative-Grunge-Metal? or maybe Progressive-Acoustic-New-Jazz-Metal? Hell, call it what you will. In any case it's clear, that they didn't reinvent the wheel altogether, and for sure they didn't reinvent Rock'n'Roll. But what they also didn't reinvent is that „...rolling drums,...precisely-sharp-edged riffs,...boiling-base and creativity meets innovation“-bullshit. These guys are not without soul... without contour... without face...

„...quite the opposite! AVALANCHE is distinct, shows no compromise in their expression of feelings, and proves remarkably surprising depth in their arrangements... so buy AVALANCHE and they will help you understand your pain; the musical ointment for your battered soul...

Life is a farce,

justice something unclear,

freedom merely an assumption.

My Interests


Member Since: 02/09/2008
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'Avalanche of Ignorance'

My Blog

Avalanche goes Radio Firehard

Check out the radio stream on airing 21/APR/2009feat. the new EP _Avalanche of Ignorance_You missed it? Listen to a record of the show right here:
Posted by on Sat, 04 Jul 2009 07:41:00 GMT

Avalanche of Ignorance @ powermetal.de

And on it goes: read a review of our latest EP "Avalanche of Ignorance". Check out powermetal.de
Posted by on Fri, 22 May 2009 15:22:00 GMT

Avalanche goes rockradio.de

Check out _rock before midnight_ on airing FEB/12/2009, 22:00-24:00 CETfeat. the new EP _Avalanche of Ignorance_You missed it? Listen to a record of the show right here! ...
Posted by on Sat, 14 Feb 2009 02:47:00 GMT

Playlist completed!

Hey there!With the release of our EP 'Avalanche of Ignorance' we filled up our playlist with what was left.So check in and get your personal piece!!!See ya
Posted by on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 22:54:00 GMT

EP: The days are numbered!

Hey everybody!We are glad you stayed with us for this long. It was worth it, we promise!Our new EP 'Avalanche of Ignorance' will be released on Monday, January 26th. Due to that fact we are going to...
Posted by on Wed, 14 Jan 2009 23:41:00 GMT