*~Z33ks b@bi~* profile picture

*~Z33ks b@bi~*

I am here for Friends

About Me

my nam3 is ayri3l and i hav3 blu3 3y3s.i am in 8th grade and 14 years old. i am a re3ly c00l p3rs0n if u g3t 2 kn0w m3 and d0nt piss m3 0ff.if u r nic3 2 m3 i will b3 nic3 2 u s000 that is how i r0ll. my b3st fr3nds r angi3,ashl3y,ch3ls3a,amb3r,niki,sarh,lidia and mich3ll3.if i 4 g0t u th3n i am s000 s0rry.i have a boii friend and his name is zeek i love him sooo much.i will allways b3 th3r3 4 him and all mii fri3nds!!!!!!!love always lil tigg.
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the best movie ever made were scarey movie bc they keep u on the edge of your chairmarquee behavior="scroll" direction="down" scrollamount="5"


date my mom,room rader,my own.laguna beach,the real word,and parental control

