I already know, and have been told plenty of times that I don't act my age. I believe its due the fact that I like to pretend I'm not as old as I am, and continue to try and rebel against it. That or I'm still trying to chase my dream of winning the lottery in order to fund my desire to never grow up and be a kid for the rest of my life.
Slowly I'm starting to come to the realization that my dream just isn't going to come true. I've joined the regular work force, and started my downward spiral towards assimilation into what society dictates as a "normal" successful life. I continue to fight that battle everyday.
Other than that, I've already started to also come to terms with my addiction to video games. That meaning that I fully succumb to the reality that there is no way I can ever fully stop playing games altogether. I truly believe I will be playing a Gameboy on my deathbed when I'm 80. I know its sad, but I can't help it. Its something I enjoy, and I will continue to do so.
I do have other hobbies. Well, not really, its more like I used to have hobbies, now I'm trying to get back into them. I'm trying to be more active and play sports again. I've discovered how cruel age, time, and a slowing metabolism can be to a person. I really don't remember when it hit me, but once I looked in the mirror some 10 some aut years after High School, geez.
I've somehow gotten started playing Maple Story....