Mo!!! profile picture


“I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures

About Me

Hey I am Monica. I am a Junior at Boerne High School. I run cross country. I am a triplet. (2 girls 1 boy I am the oldest) I love my family and friends. I hate it when people cut things and then look better than you even though they are not. I hate my sister...jk i love steph the most. but seriously i hate people who think the know everything and are better than everyone else and cocky jerks. I love the rain but I also love the sunshine. I love to laugh. I love to smile and make people smile. I love to get and give hugs. I love life beacuse it is like a new chapter each and everyday but you have the choice to make the chapters different and exciting than one another. Well if you wanna know more message me

My Interests

running, haning with friends and much more




everything. disney movies, war, scary any type


My parents, God, my triplet brother and sister. and of course BRAD HILLIN!!!!(haha)