and chances are; i'm not any different, special or unique than you are.
i'm majoring in music at ivc.
i play music with tha booooys.
i talk, read, write, and listen; just like you. most of the time i have alot to say, but i'm a great listener too.
i appreciate the money i have, and understand what it's like to earn it.
i'm always in a pool even though i can't swim, in a jacuzzi even though it's 110 degrees, or at the movies even though i've seen every movie in there already.
most likely i will go completely out of my way to help you out with anything.
i'm the kind of person who returns a shopping cart to it's place instead of leaving out in the middle of the parking lot.
i am terribly nice, but i can also be just as mean. you're probably the same way.
: caliberalex
: __likeknives