White Trash Johnny Webb profile picture

White Trash Johnny Webb

Don't mess with my 8-Track!!!

About Me

"White Trash" Johnny Webb is the greatest wrestler/manager & driver of the Winnebago that's ever lived......EVER! Want proof? His nephews got him a coffee mug for his birthday, what got the same afore-mentioned facts printed in bold letters right on the siiiide!

My Interests

Time travel, espionage, quantum physics.....oh wait, i thought this was the 'hobbies' section!

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who still cares about having,finding, or creating something to care about...
...that, or a cold Miller High Life!


Both kinds: Country & Western! HA ha! No, actually i like everythaang.


"Machete", "DON'T", and that one with Nicolas Cage as Fu Manchu.


Dog the Bounty Hunter, Jerry Springer, Cops, Wrestling Society X. In other words, any show that i might be appearing on....willingly or otherwise.


....help keep the trailer from leanin' too far to the left.


Terry Funk, "Judo" Gene LeBell, and Dynamite D