singing in my band Overtone, but im gettin abit bored of that these days but maybe one day i shall be all famous and have lots of money and will be like wahoooo. but till then im calm. daddies souce on potato waffles, u cant beat it, proper good! watching Pimp My Ride UK what a joke that show is, but i cud watch it all day just for a laugh. also doing my justice leege deeds like killing mini reindeer and going to flamingo land and gettin the mad scientists autograph and being like wupah! i love my early morning jogs that totally do happen everyday, afterwards im like yeah i cud do that again but rele i feel like my heart is about to fail and i only run to the end of my drive! shucks. doing everything with arpege, like going to watch james bond soon wooooo
All the amazing people from films like beverly hills ninja stuff like that, but also the queen cos she wud totally want me, so therefore leaving her old husband marrying me and then dying leaving me all her money, and then i could buy my band OVERTONE a record deal and we wud become world famous and it would be down to me, so they would love me more, wahey! i wud quite like to meet tony blair so i cud tell him i think he is possitively gay with his little mp's leak! and abit of ye old charley and his brothers hu call themselves FIGHTSTAR beeee, but I think charley and his brothers is better. hu knows! rele wanna meet maria crisp beards mum, she is well mingin! mental as u like man! however i rele want to meet all of LLOYDS FAMILY, cos if lloyd and his mum and dad are nething to go by his family wud be frikkin cool as! there u go lloyd, thats one mention of how great u are!
Well at the minute i frikkin love arctic monkeys and we are scientists which my man lloyd showed me, well impressed! and also abit of fallout boy they rock my socks like the rocking band they are! but most of all i flaming love OVERTONE we rule, and we shall be famous and then every1 will want our children and want to marry us and we will be like, yeah whatever trevor. and then will write an song about the weather cos that totally rhymes with trevor. BUt i must say Son of dork are a little bit gay, i expected better from the crappest singer from busted, y did they have to split up they were rite good, ah that reminds me MCFLY im going to see them next year, its gonna be well cool. and i will be like, whoo, also arpege has got me into some cool stuff like relient k who i am quite impressed with, cheers love
Movies eh? well this section was abit unexpected! well i guess i rele like the Karate kid, with all that paint the fence, and wax on wax off crapola, i wonder if that wud work? Robin hood, thats well good, i love the bit where he goes through the window right near the end, i wud well be able to do that if i wanted! Harry Potter, hu doesnt like abit of the old harry potter, gotta love that guy. i was gonna say lady and the tramp but i remember i think that is proper crap! hocus pocus, its arpeges favourite and i have to say, its quite enjoyable :)
Well i was going to say i dont rele watch alot but then i thought about it more and realised that i watch pretty much all the soaps it possible to watch! Neighbours then to channel 5 for Home and away then skip to 4 for hollyoaks, then if im rele bored ill catch abit of emerdale on itv1 then ill watch corrie then eastenders. but aswell as the soaps i watch sum other gay crap like the bill, smallville and The OC cos i rele rock! and if there is ever any funny looking programs on ill make sure i watch. im a celebrity, its friggin wicked and XFactor im going on it next year cos arpege is making me :) but i love it really
Heros indeed. well as always u gotta say superman cos he can fly. ermmm hmmm this is a tricky little one. perhaps the justice leege members cos without them there wud be no justice leege and the world wud not be a safe place at all. dammit! Chris Moyles he is well fat! Also arpege, i dont know what i wud do without her. shucks