TINY MINY :] profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

im aysenur.
I may be 17 but I look younger.
and lot of people says i look younger.ha i know:]
I do everything I shouldn't and nothing that I should.
I am sick and tired of trying to impress people, so if you don't like me you're just going to have to get the fuck over it.
I can't live with out Coffee, my family and friends.
I like a bit of nearly everything.
I'm scared of the dark, seriously. I hug my pillow when I sleep. I sometimes talk in my sleep.
I get bored easily.
I question everything.
I always think about things that normal people probably don't.
When I'm on the bus and thinking things that I shouldn't be I always get scared that someone might be able to read my mind and get up and start laughing at me. I sit there and say the same word over and over again untill it dosn't even sound like a real word.
I day dream a lot. I'm out of it a lot.
I like learning things by myself. I guess you could say that I'm independent.
I do care about what people think of me, maybe even too much.
I don't BELIVIE in love at first sight, love takes time.
I like reading. I suck at first impressions.. I like the little things. I don't like liars, but who does. I'm not to good around big groups of people. I'm intimadted really easily. I hate it when people talk about me behind my back. People who pretend to be stupid to get attention really annoy me.
I go to school. Don't ask me about my personal life, it's none of your business.
I get angry easy. I get upset about stupid things.
I love my mum more than anyone else in the whole intire world.
I cry when I watch really happy or really sad movies. Yeah I'm lame I know. I constantly need to feel wanted.
I'm usually nice and happy, but I have my bad days. If I don't like you I'll let you know.
If you treat me with respect then I'll treat you with respect.
I always plan things at the last minute.
Please do not tell me that I sound like you. I am not you. I am me.
And don't think you know just because you read my profile, there are a lot of things that I have left out and things that no one will ever know except for my close friends and family.
If you made it this far then you're really good.

My Interests

i love my bag lots and lots:] i cant live without this!

I'd like to meet:


Aksiligim üstümde sende kelimeler hep farazi, gördügün kadar arazi, kimse mükemmel degil ki, ne umdun ki benden kadi kizi bile veremli, benim kusrum anca naz, seninkisi mesavi içimi tuzagin yordu, anahtarsan nerde kilidin olugu ? Nahos hallerinde et ilan kahpe olusunu, ahmak kisilik sensin, cevizi disiyle kiran feyksin, her disi geyikle muhabbette yanar-dönersin. Ben rüzgarin aruz vezni sen kükürdü ancak sus karincalandi kalp, söyle pasa nedir amaç ? Bence ringe havlu at, Kolera kirar kol bacak, masalin kötü sirinesi, Mr Gadget Uzun bacak. Esti geçti hayatindan bir esen ve bin zafer, kazi-kazan kazandigin bir adam ve bin keder. Kaderdaslar sirali, kader sivadi kollari, bedava ekmek kalabaligi, örmüs saçini kaderin aglari. Kalbin yalin hali bulutsuz, ah su mevsim degismekte, bir nursun kusursuz, ruhum sensiz huzursuz, tattim elmayi ve içime düstü simdi kurtlari, yavas yürüyen bir taziyim acizligimse azili. Sen anlatma bekle dur, O bilir anca gaybi üzüleceksin yavru Tanri sikintisinda kapali kaldi. Iti ver açilir kapisi, açilir için açilir hale, vurdu aynasi ve sen yansamasi
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