Infernal Contract profile picture

Infernal Contract

About Me

I've played drums for about 10 years. I'm 22 male. I was in and out of all different kinds of metal bands. While jamming with many local musicians, I picked up guitar and learned to play piano in school. I just started a new band with another guitarist I'm really happy with but not before putting out a solo demo. My style is heavily influenced by classical and black metal but i also listen to a lot of death metal and various kinds of progressive. This is my first major project. I recorded and produced this entire demo. I'm interested in hearing what people think of my demo. Please let me hear your comments.

My Interests


Member Since: 30/08/2008
Band Website: This is it for now.
Band Members: BRAD HERWY
Influences: Lots of classical. Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Mozart, and Tchaikovsky. So my music has lots of melody and harmony. I also use part writing skills for different instruments that don't carry the melody. But this is black metal with lots of double bass and I do listen to a lot of heavy music. Dimmu Borgir, Emperor, Lord Belial, old Agathadeamon, Old Mans Child, and Immortal. Brutality is also important to me and is also why I listen to Corps, Dying Fetus, Opeth, Niel, old Lamb of God, and Enochian Crescent. I also look for complexity in music. I like Tool and Meshuggah SYL. I also like music that is well written that may not fit into any of the sections above.NIN, Clutch, Medeski Martin and Wood(3 man jazz band) and the doors and Pink Floyd. I'm sure I'm missing some bands that I've probably listened to but cant remember right now. Send me stuff from bands you like, or that you think I might like, or that you think I sound like.
Sounds Like: I'm more interested in your opinion.
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

the album

Album cover coming soon.
Posted by on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 02:20:00 GMT