people i call my friends and family.
Joey Big-Lips
People Iced: Twenty Two
Car Bombs Planted: Four
Favorite Weapon Sack full of doorknobs
Arms Broken: Eleven
Eyes Gouged: Fourteen
Tongues Cut Off: Four
Biggest Enemy: Hairy Knuckles Hal
Get Your HITMAN Name
The soundtrack of my life.What I'm Into Now: Bloc Party Gym Class Heroes The Pixies (Doolittle album) Robin Thicke Wolfmother
don't watch too many movies anymore
Teen angst dramas, CSI, Scrubs, Friends, Power Rangers, and Pokemon.
Just finished reading The Game: Penetrating the Secret Lives of Pickup Artists. it definitely wasn't what i expected.all time favorite would have to be Catcher in the Rye.
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Holden Morrisey Caulfield and many nameless ninjai and samurai