K.Jones profile picture


Shop Boyz In Concert June 14th At The Globe! Hit Me Up For More Info!img src=http://i175.photobucket

About Me

I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!

My Interests

I love loud music and speakers and shit. If you got a system in your car i love it! Plus i love to party and go clubbin!Coming Soon Fuck Niggas

I'd like to meet:

Fire My Words %D%A%D%A Get .. Now Icons %D%A I would like to meet someone that likes to have a good time and is down to earth. With a personality that loves to try new things.
have you ever....
laughed so hard you peed in your pants? Na'll
had a boyfriend/girlfriend that you never really got over? No
slept in your bathing suit ? Yea I'm a life guard
gone to school in your pjs? Yep I washed first
been in love? Yea
had a day just for you and your bestfriend? No
been so happy you forgot about all that pain? Hell Yea
babysat with a bestfriend? No
got kicked out of a store because you and your friends were too crazy? Hell Yea
been in love over the summer but then lost all touch w.him/her when it was over? Nope
had a foodfight in your kitchen? Nope Mom's don't play that
layed in your front yard and just stared at the stars all night? No I stay in the hood
tanned on your roof? No
gone skinny dipping with more than 3 ppl? Hell Yea Jackson pool life guards do it big
gone to a crazy party but didnt drink or smoke and still had a good time? Yea
had more blonde moments in a day than you can count? Nope
done something without even thinking about the consequences? Every day
wished you were back in elementary school again? Nope Senior!
stayed up all night w. your friends and just laughed? Hell yea
actually had fun while you were grounded? No
just took a day off of everything for yourself? Yea
cared about someone so much you unintentionally fell in love? Yea
fell down because both of your legs fell asleep? No
gone streaking with more than 3 ppl? No i'm the stupid one out the bunch!
made out in the rain? No
had a marker fight in class? Hell Yea
skipped school? All the Time I'm a Senior
stood up for someone, even though you knew ppl might not like you afterwards? Yea
.....sometimes its the little things that count



I love crunk and Gangsta music. href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"


Love and Basketball, Badder Santa, All of the American Pies, Bad Boyz 2, And all of the fridays


Family Guy, The Simpsons, Fresh Prince, High School Stories, The Boondocks all the aduklt swim cartoons!


The Lord Jesus Chirst. The to most important females in my life My Mommy AND GRANNY!