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Soldier Poet

If I am not for myself, then who will be for me? And if I am only for myself, what am I? And if not

About Me

OK now I have to try and get the gray matter in one place to remember all there is to know about me! YIKES!! Now what? (Edited at a friends request! You know who you are. ;-).. ) OH forget it those that know me know enough, those that don't can ask me anything they want to know ! . ;-) and for those that do not have the stones to ask me go Away;-) Comments always welcome! . OK for the lazy ones out there! . I was reminded by an old High School friend about the PSYCHE DELLY! in Bethesda Md. a place I worked while in school and where I spent more time in then school listening to the Nighthawks and other great Blues bands .. Here you go Patty! I hope this makes you happy;-) . Lived and served in Israel for over 10 years! 1979-1989 then reserves till March 05 (I was chasing terrorists well before it became popular) Lebanon 1982-83 (Shalom Ha Gallel and more). (Artty M-110, M-109, FAO. EOD). Military Govt. (GAZA For 2 1/2 years).). And a lot of other stuff that can not ever be published here or anywhere else for that matter. (If you are Israeli you understand if not then SORRY)!!."If you wrote a book about your life would anyone read it?" Sure but I'd be arrested if I tried to publish it...;).. If we could learn to look instead of gawking, We'd see the horror in the heart of farce. If only we could act instead of talking, wouldn't always end up on our arse. This was the thing that nearly had us mastered; Don't yet rejoice in his defeat, you men! Although the world stood up and stopped the bastard, The bitch that bore him is in heat again. . Bertold Brecht

My Interests

Here we go again;-) My interests are wide and varied. I have been knows as some as a wealth of useless information because of the things I'm into;-) (Was called Cliff Notes in School)History.Military History,Middle Eastern History,Israel,The IDF and supporting the people that are serving have served and will serve in the future(Hey I am an IDF VET)! http:www.usidfvets.comModel building, Been Building them since I was 8 and never really stopped! But now I build contest winners and for collectors Member IPMS Fort Lauderdale (Flight 19) and one of the founders of IPMS Israel ,( Bon'a Ha Dagmen b' Israel)Reading,Reading,Reading,Reading,Reading,Reading,Readi ng,Reading,and more Reading.Music, All formsCooking and Eating;-),Nature (Fishing camping white water rafting and more),Hey if it's interesting I'm into it!,

I'd like to meet:

Anyone interesting! anyone who thinks I'm interesting.. (Now I'm reaching;-). You must actually say something more then once a year! (I really mean this. Just ask the folks that are just playing the "numbers game". Anyone serving in the IDF or any other friendly military serviceAlso you must get over the fact I have Grey Hair. (I refuse to use "Just for Men") I'm proud of it cause others go bald, I just go grey! Been a proud "Cotton Top" since 1982 .Can you handle this? . GOOD!! . I knew you could!I'm as serious as a Heart Attack ! I'm also someone that can make you laugh till you wet yourself! . If you don't like people that make honest "from the heart remarks" then I'm not for you ......


Blues: Anything from old to new! Rock: from old to new Folk(Not that crap that you see on PBS or that stuff your burned out hippy mother tells you is Folk Music! ) Classical, Jazz, As long as it is good I'll listen!


Jar Head (Great flick but the book was better;-)Kingdom of Heaven (Close to the truth but it's still Hollywood)Domino (Another true one with the addition of Tom Watts )GladiatorSouthpark the movie! (Blame Canada)Hmmmmmmm ? Casablanca and more!I've seen in the past month and liked the following films. ''The Ringer" (A very funny film!) “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe” (so what if you think it is a kids film it is good stuff and a great way to spend some time with a large coke and a small popcorn!) "Memoirs of a Geisha." (Good view of a world seldom seen by western eyes ) The Marx Brothers. a complete collection! The Three Stooges..... (Attention Mel Gibson!! "The BOYS" as you call them are JEWISH!!)


"TOP GEAR","CHUCK"!"K-VILLE","LIFE","ULTIMATE FORCE" which is like "The Unit" with a British accent."Burn Notice", "The Unit", "NCIS", History Channel. Discovery Channel. Comedy Central, Those are the tops on my list though I do watch some other stuff. And living in Florida you tend to watch "The Weather Channel” 6 months of the year and it ain't tourist season!;-)


Way too many to count. way too many to mention (I collect and they roll out the red carpet for me at all book stores new and used) Historical Fictions have been on my top 10 list for the past few years, I guess fact and fiction can walk the same road.


Anyone who served, serves or will serve in the Armed forces of their country Anyone who works to protect their people from harm or to save those that have been harmed" The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing "

My Blog


Once again I travel to Tel Aviv  but this time it's business! I hope you enjoy the ride!                "Where the HELL AM I?" I ...
Posted by Soldier Poet on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 01:31:00 PST

A wedding?

The following is a true story,  it was sent out in an e mail to my friends and family a few days ago but then after thinking about it I revised it and decided to post it here for all of you to en...
Posted by Soldier Poet on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 11:24:00 PST

Drive time

                             Driving lesson I've been driving since age...
Posted by Soldier Poet on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 04:04:00 PST

Steak anyone?

           "Fathers day in Israel"   Well first off let me start with a little fact! There is no "FATHERS DAY" in Israel.  YUP NONE!! 99.99...
Posted by Soldier Poet on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 10:04:00 PST

Lishtof ha eynim (Wash my eyes)

Yesterday I needed to get out of the house.   I needed to "Wash my eyes" as they say.  So I took the train to Tel AvivKfar Saba isn't that far from Tel Aviv I'd say 45-50 minutes by tra...
Posted by Soldier Poet on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 02:50:00 PST

Sp update

OK! I know it's been a long time since I've written anything on this so called Blog of mine But I have been  way too busy over the past few months to even think of writing anything  let alon...
Posted by Soldier Poet on Sat, 07 Jun 2008 01:35:00 PST

STRANGE DAYS and Mexican dreams

Am I turning Mexican? I pose this question as the title for one reason and one reason alone; I think I'm turning into a Mexican! What? You Mr. White-bread are going Beaner? How the hell is that pos...
Posted by Soldier Poet on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 11:14:00 PST

The continued mis-adventures of ME!

I'm sorry that it's taken so long for me to get back on this horse of a Blog of mine but I've been busier then a hooker during "fleet week". I know that you guys might be getting bored with the workme...
Posted by Soldier Poet on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 07:40:00 PST


Being of rather large proportions myself I find this article a little disturbing! I also find it a little bit funny since it makes me think of Comedian John Pinette's classic stand up rutine "Chinese ...
Posted by Soldier Poet on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 09:49:00 PST

Back in time part 1.

    I have been thinking it over for a while now and I came to the decision that I need to go back in time! Yes I need to go back and look at my younger decisions with older eyes and see if ...
Posted by Soldier Poet on Sat, 29 Dec 2007 04:11:00 PST