Deuce profile picture


Funny how Rock'n'Roll smells just like whiskey,sex and cocaine!

About Me

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Hey katz n' kittenz, what is there to know about Danny Deuce? Well I am the head of a Canadian wreckin' krew (The Phantoms)out of Calgary,AB originally out of Winnipeg,MB established by my grandfather in 1954 ((it was just a hot rod krew back then..still sort of is)) anyways...I'm a psychobilly s.o.b. I like to drink, go to good shows....I used to be a bouncer at the Underground here in Calgary. I like rat-rods,mopars and ol' skool(vintage)bikes.I got a '75 Buick Skylark and a '56 Chev Bel-air 2door hard top. I play guitar,try to play up-right bass and I sing..I got a kid brother he's 16 he goes by Benny the li'l wreckin' machine he's a good kid,got a good head on him he's also into'll learn more as you get to know me....

My Interests

MUSIC, MUSIC, MUSIC!!! Psychobilly, old rockabilly,classic rock,metal,horror punk...y'know sh** like that Hotrods and of corse Betties and Shows

I'd like to meet:

Well I'll give a list: -Paul French -Johnny Cash"a little too late for that" -Kim Nekroman" allready done..hung out with him and the Horror Pops at Broken city" -Los Gatos Locos -Guana Batz -Demented Are Go! -Tiger Army -Mad Sin -Batmobile ...y'know the list actually gos on and on.....and I'm lazy so....


Favorite Bands:Misfits,MadSin,Nek-Romantix,Frenzy,Batmobile,Dead Cats,Meteors,Johnny Cash,Alice Cooper,Elvis,Los Gatos Lucos,Os Catalepticos, Demented Are Go!,Danzig,Sharks...once again the list gos on and on....and once again ...I'm lazy....


Horror movies...lots and lots of horror movies


T.V. ah whare do I start...hmm well lets put it this way,where would I be without cartoons....oh yeah...collage!! lol anywho! uh..yeah Batman,Family guy,csi,simpsons,thundercats,futurama,oblongs..lots of cartoons


Piers Anthony's Xanth Adventures Anything by Stephen King I do enjoy reading books on the world wars, preferably the ones on Germany(I'm German and my heritage is interesting) not to say that I am a's just really interesting to me....


David Bowie, Bela Lagosi, Boris Karlof, Jhonathan(Ozzy) Osbourne, Jerry Deuce(my grandfather) and my god father Todd Miller

My Blog

Danny Deuce and the Phantoms

pretty much all i wanna say is the phantoms are writing some good shit we'll be looking for a new drummer soon and hopefully get some shows booked in and around calgary by next summer....if you or any...
Posted by Deuce on Sat, 28 Jul 2007 02:41:00 PST