Blue Corduroy was founded by Rich Johnson and Mike Boltz in 2003 as an experiment in creating music with non-traditional sounds and non-traditional playing styles. Erica Joy joined soon after as a vocalist and as a 3 person looping project we performed our first show in late 2003 at a MJs Coffeehouse in Annville, PA. Soon after, Travis Giffing joined the band as the percussionist and the project transformed into a more traditional rock unit with non-traditional textures. Within the next 2 years we performed in a great deal of local venues and in some venues in Philadelphia, we wrote the theme song for The Sunday News with Bill Hanson on 105.7, and with Bill's help were reviewed by major labels in New York and LA. During this time Mike and Rich became more involved in computer based sampling and sequencing and formed a side project called Mojorojo producing trip hop and trance material for visual projections and movie soundtracks. One of Mike's sequences will be used in the independent movie "No Sanctuary".
In March 2006, Mike and Travis left Blue Corduroy to form the cover band "No Apology". Erica and Rich continued as a duo and in May of 2006 discovered Steve Witmer a York native with foundations in percussion and string instruments. After performances with bassists Eric "Sven" Olsen and Kelly Boch the band again downsized to a 3 piece. We performed our final performance of the old Blue Corduroy material on March 2nd at Bube's Brewery with Mike Boltz again back for the performance. It was a great show and fine note to mark change.
From this point forward Blue Corduroy is going to return to the experimental roots in which Mike and Rich founded it. Performances will be more sparse and selective to an audience and venues for experimental, original music. We will also begin jamming with other musicians that have a like interest in pushing the musical envelope for creative release. We are making an all call to myspace musicians.
Our Recordings...
We have 4 CDs Debut, Robot, Iconic, and Imperfect & Improbable.
All recording and mastering by Mike Boltz.
All imagery and design by Rich Johnson.
All CD creation and distribution done independently by Blue Corduroy.
Iconic and Imperfect & Improbable are still in stock and available if you would want a copy contact us.