seaNNNNNNN© profile picture


40 oz. to Freedom

About Me

hmmm.... well i am tall and asian. that is all you need to know... lol jkoh yeah... and to all you backstabbing shit talking twofaced motherfuckin faggot bitches out there...FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!! and your couches!!!! if there's anything else ya wanna know dont be shy! juss ask me!MSN - or AIM - future car.

My Interests

uhm...MGD, corona, bacardi, keystone, budweiser, smirnoff, and heineken
MySpace Survey '06

BaSiC InFo
Name: Sean Nilo aka boolit
Birthdate: Jan. 12, 1988
Birthplace: Ogden, Utah
Current Location: Layton, utah
Eye Color: dark brown
Hair Color: black
Height: 6'0
Weight: 180 or 185.. somewhere around there
What's Your....
Zodiac Sign: capricorn
Ethnicity: flip
Body Type: i dont know im not a fat ass or anything
Favorite Food: BETO's!
Favorite Drink: raspberry creme soda! MMmm... tastes like bacardi razz.. but no alcohol
Baseball Team: i dont really watch baseball..
(when) Bedtime: whenever i feel tired... usually around 2-4 in the morning
Favorite Color(s): blue red black green
Favorite Letter: S
Favorite Number: 6
Candy: uhmm... snickers? fuck i dont know..
Favorite Animal: monkeys hell yeaa
Favorite Messenger: MSN fo sho
Screename: i dont have one.. boolit?
Favorite Store: super walmart
Most Missed Memory: 9th grade year.. it was the BEST
Best Physical Feature: i dont know my butt? i got a ghetto ass! haha jk
Overused Phrase: i say FUCK way too much... like WTF!!! FUCK dude!!or FUCK that! or just plain fuck... or fawk!... haha yeah you get the point now..
First Thought Waking Up: CHALUPA?! get the hell off me!!! haha chalupa is my doggy just in case you didnt know
Goal for this year: go to college. get ma edumacation
Weakness: im soo ticklish so dont do it please
Fears: spiders!! fuck spiders!!!!
Heritage: filipino
Longest Relationship: i dunno uhm... maybe like 4 months
School's Name: northridge high/mountain high(fuck that school)/clearfield high
Favorite TV Show: robot chicken/team sanchez
Have You Ever....
Drank: oh yeah
Smoked: yeah..
Dyed Your Hair: yup
Shoplifted: yeah...
Tried To Do The Splits: haha yeah. never trying that again!..
Tried To Do A Backbend: im not that flexible
Tried To Do A Cartwheel: yeah
Tried To Do A Handstand: yup
Tried To Act Perfect: no
Get A Detention Of Any Kind From Not Doin Anything: yeah it was stupid... its cuz im asian!!! racist bastards!!!!!
Skinny Dipped: nope
Had Sex: noo!... im a virgin! haha
Kissed/Huged An Opposite Sex: sure have
Kissed/Huged The Same Sex As You: hugged? yes. kissed? NO
Been Dumped: nope
Done Drugs: yeah..
Had A Boyfriend/Girlfriend: yep
Ate Sushi: yes
Loved Someone: i think so... love is hard to come by
In A Guy/Gurl....
Fav Eye Color: blue or brown doesnt matter
Fav Hair Color: doesnt really matter
Short or Long Hair: i dont care!!!!!!! as long as they look good
Height: uhmm... like 5'3 at least but cant be taller than me.. that would just be wierd
Weight: uhmm... not too skinny and not too fat
Looks/Personality: looks are always good and i like a girl that can make me laugh.. one that can be crazy but down to earth at the same time.. i like em naughty but nice! hehe
Love or Money: love
Hot Or Cute: both
Drugs and/or Alcohol: i dont care as long as she's not a crackhead its ok
Muscular or Really Skinny: not waay skinny...
Sexy or Shmexy---- lmao!: sexy
Random...: FUCK. wait are those 4 questions above supposed to be about what i like or what i like in a girl?? haha oh well
How Do You Want To Die?: in my sleep
What country do you want to Visit: uhh.... whatever country amsterdam is
Been to the Mall Lately: yeah
Do you like Thunderstorms: sure
Shower Daily: of course
Do you Sing: i try to
Want to go to College: yes
Clothes: hoody, basketball shorts
Shoes: Fallen
Make-Up: shiet ima dude i dont wear makeup
Hair Do: shag
Phone: samsung sleek slider, yada da mean?
Phone Number: IM NOT TELLING YOU! well... maybe if you ask for it
Location: in my living room
Weather: COLD!
Website(s): myspace?

I'd like to meet:

anyone who can commence in double fisting or knows how to tickle a nipple


i like alot of bands, lets see theres.... sa-MOTHAFAWKIN-osin, senses fail, matchbook romance, finch, taking back sunday, the starting line, allister, anti-flag, 311, story of the year, my bro's band Celia Way, coheed and cambria, offset, the early november, rufio, sherwood, midtown, green day, as i lay dying, CLOSEOUT, best interest, thursday, daytwo, home grown, blink 182, hidden in plain view, the used, dashboard confessional, saves the day, foo fighters, BUILDINGS DESIGNED TO COLLAPSE, sugar cult, my chemical romance, a change of pace, silverstein, the matches, from first to last, spitalfield, new found glory, anatomy of a ghost, briertone, hawthorne hieghts, no use for a name, box car racer, trust company, a static lullaby, thrice, goldfinger, tenacious D, and alot more that i cant think of right now... i also listen to some rap-r&b, techno, some classic rock, island music, even some oldies shit.. pretty much anything except f**king country


Dumb and Dumber, Herald & Kumar go to White Castle, Modus Operandi (the GREATEST skating movie EVER!!) what's eating gilbert grape, home alone, finding nemo, Night at The Roxbury, undercover brother


FAMILY GUY!!! mtv, south park, chappelle's show, food network tickles my fancy!!, the simpsons, MXC!!!!!!, pimp my ride, and uhh..... i cant think of anymore...


books make me sleepy....YOU!!!! FAWK!!!


Dennis Nilo Kyle Doctor and my bro herald because we have our round table of nipple tickling. and also Kenny Blankenship and Vic Romano
Check out Buildings Designed To Collapse!