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I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm living a pretty nice life here in Wash. state, we live out in the stix with an active volcano as the backdrop to the beutiful country that surround's us here. I worked many years for an outfit called Hewlett Packard, and lived the city life until about 9 years ago when due to economic downsizing & NAFTA, I decided to take a buyout and see what the next chapter in my life had in store?Somehow we ended up here in Cougar Wa., living on 190 acre's of forest and meadow land in a tiny little A-Frame with our dogs, cat, mouse, and assorted other critters that come our way. We have an airstrip on the property we live on that used to be quite active when the mountain was really going in the 80's, Mt St Helens Aero ranch, now it's just us and occasional friend's stopping in to visit. It's quite rustic compared to my city life, but I love it, and were here to stay!To Be Continued----------
Elvis Presley - Funny How Time Slips Away

I just love this song, & Elvis as usual does a wonderfull rendition with feeling & emotion that makes this song one of my favorites.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

That's a difficult question, of course judging from the content I have on my page, who do you think??

My Blog

We Choose The Moon Very Cool if your into the history and adventure of our Space program! This is a real time simulation of the historic moon landing tha...
Posted by on Thu, 16 Jul 2009 18:40:00 GMT