I work, and it sucks, call centers suck, but it allows me to live. I like seeing my friends, they know who they are. I love roller derby!!! My derby family rocks! My Brothers, The Middle One.(who thinks i dont know, but i know so we keep pretending i dont), The oldest who would rather sit around and drink a beer with Uncle, and the younger one, Who will do what ever I want to do as long as it does not require walking, running, or skating. I have 2 nephews, Both are jealous of the other, if you ask the oldest he would say no.. but yea...Turner would rather have me play trains with him and him alone, and Maddox, Wants to learn to skate,Wants to fight, and if I say ya wanna do.. it doesnt matter the answer is always Yes! What else about me? Skate Skate My pets.. I lost my lovely Satan this year to kidney disease... I still have Onyx, who is Not the smartest one outta her litter, i think she is 7 now... and then We have Strut.. Who helped him self into my life at T-ball practice..He should thank Maddox,and Turner every day for his cush life. He is about. 10 months old hmmmm...yea i think thats pretty close to it.
and the stars aren't out tonight. but neither are we to look up at them.
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