travel, reading, games (board games, poker), no video games (im afraid if i start, i wont stop), having a good time with my friends, i love to eat, go to museums, just got into biking. i have this speedo outfit when i ride it looks pretty gay. but im straight as an arrow-------. i'l do almost anything.
How can I know who I'd like to meet? If I only chose the people that I would meet, I would remain a closed person. I want to meet everybody and spread the happyness.will you be my friend? i asked a kid that when i was like five and he said, no. that echoed in me for years, but i got over it. really happened. im open. whoever wants to meet me. please talk to me. kidding. i love people so if you want to say whats up, holla back son
i like old country. george jones, johnny cash, merle, etc. but i like whatevers on even to make fun of. im sure someone's making fun of country
samurai movie's old one's, new one's. all of those chinamen are great. i love foreign movies (the one's you have to read), any movie with a good story. i own "the princess bride", a goodie.
i dont get any chanels. but when i want to watch tv i go to my sisters. did anyone see "ROME" on HBO. its awesome. its awesome. "LOST" is pretty cool too, but i havent seen any of the new season.
"Darma Bums" by Jack Kerouac, "Atlas Shrugged" and "The Fountainhead" by Ayn Rand, "A Hero of Our Time" by Michael Lermontov, i've read so many books that are great too many to write
has to be Jack Kerouac, on the road baby. Dan Holohan is awesome too. this guy is a heating genius. my mom too, great lady, went through a lot. she's a power of example. also Ayn Rand, her book, "Atlas Shrugged" completely changed my way of thinking.