About Me
(a)ttentat started with the goal of diffusing the anarchist ideal. We advocate peace, mutual aid, free association, direct action, individual initiative, personal responsibility, and freedom unrestricted by laws. As such, we oppose not only statism, but also capitalism, patriarchy, racism, ageism, ableism, child abuse, prisons, police, economic explotation, gender discrimination, homophobia, heterosexism, ecocide, environmental abuse, imperialism, occupation, militarism, unifomity, groupthink, and the many other disgusting faces of authoritarianism. We want a free society organized along the lines of cooperation and mutual aid. We want good food and clean water for free to everyone. We want more wilderness and more commons. We want everyone to rediscover the knowledge for living free without dependence on authoritarian institutions. In other words, we want total liberation.