Thomas E. Renfro, MD, is an internist practicing medicine in Coeburn, VA, at Community Physician Services. He was born and raised in Norton, VA, where he graduated from J.I. Burton High School. He is a graduate of The Univeristy of Virginia School of Medicine and is Board
Certified in Internal Medicine and Geriatrics.Dr. Renfro was diagnosed with Mantle Cell Lymphoma in 1996. This is an untreatable, incurable, form of lymphatic cancer. Most people diagnosed with this disease is already in the 4th stage with only a short time to live.
He became bedridden shortly after his diagnosis and fought a one year battle of multi organ failure. He had tumors on his neck the size of apples..under his arm the size of cantalopes, and his waist grew to a size 60. His abdomen was full of tumors the size of footballs. Yet, at the same time, you could wrap your fingers around his forearm and they would meet.Dr. Renfro's main faith thrust was that "God's Word Won't Fail!" He quoted this statement many times when asked how he was, and when physicians had to tell him what was going on in his body. He taped scripture verses to his wall to where they were in his vision range at all times.God miraculously healed him on Dec. 3, 1997 and he now travels the world sharing his testimony of encouragement
and faith. To see and hear more of his story, Google..Dr. Tom Renfro. There are several sites with his story. Dr. Renfro has a one hour tv program each week which can be seen at 9pm EST on Thursday night, or at 2am EST Tueday at Dvd's of his healing story can be purchased here or on his website
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