Charamon Hunter was born December 4th,1983. Weighing in at 8 pounds and 7 ounces. She was the first of her mothers 3 children. The only one that didn't give her mother any pain when she gave birth...and that's how they knew that I was a special child...
Naw, but seriously...Im Charamon...BORN AND RAISED IN THE COUNTY OF L.A. Most of my friends call me whatever they want to(u know how folks like to give nicknames). I sometimes go by C-Tyme,C,Charmeez, "that lil lightskinned chic that...". Most people don't know that I rather just be called by my government name but if you must...I perfer that you CALLMEMS.HUNTER. I love to dance,eat,talk,shop,laugh,read & I LOVE love LOve KIDS though I DON'T have any of my own. Im usually laid back on a regular day...some say im a mystery but I have a silly side too. I like all types music...all types of movies...all types of people...all types of places...all types of food...Im pretty open to everything. and if you haven't noticed yet I love using(...)when I type or text.I have yet to be diagnosed by a doctor...but I think Im addicted to Nikes,shopping and love.
I have soo0o00oo much more to say but I simply don't have the time...but thanx for stopping by and while your at MYspace I hope u enjoy your time.