WildMan profile picture


Never stand for anyone else treating you any less than you deserve, for there are some good people l

About Me

I'm the one your Dad warned you about, the one your Mama hoped you'ld find, a friend you can never forget, the best time you've had in life, the maddest you'll ever be, the most fun you ever have, the hardest you ever laugh, the fastest you've ever been, the slowest you can possibly go, the deepest you've gone, & the highest you remember being. I'm that guy... I'm crazy & been accused repeatedly of being funny. I love to play & cut up. Please, whatever you do, don't get me started... you've been warned. I am actually an accomplished musician. But since that rarely pays the bills, I have a job in a different field I am pursuing. As far as occupation goes (other than music), I want to get back into calf raising & cattle farming (I hope to own my own bucking bull ranch someday), but exceed in Large & small animal medicine. I have recently found a deep interest in surgery and may very well pursue that portion of the field. I am RE-attending the University of Georgia as a pre-vet undergrad with an Animal Science major. Right now I am currently working at a local animal hospital and also working as an emergency vet-tech part time. If you ever have the chance, turn on Animal Planet & watch E-vet Techs... that is what I do! I love the water & love to be outdoors. (I love to be outdoors naked too... c my pics...) I love adventure & fun & people to share it all with. I like to get wild & crazy a lot, but I can enjoy & take part in relaxing & being quiet just as much. I am COMPLETELY uninhibited, some say, to a fault. I say they're just chickensh*t. I am EXTREMELY spiritual. You know, God is one cool being. A lot of people have some strange takes on Him, but anyone who tries to get to know Him knows that he is more than the human mind & heart can comprehend. One day I will finally try my hand at riding a bull. I will try at least once. I ain't skeered. I'm always lookin' for cool people to meet & hang out with. I'm a Southern man & proud to be. However, I am not your typical closeminded biggot that we sometimes get labeled as. I'm country as a mason jar; fo sho; so if you can't handle the ride... get off the horse! (I also prefer you to save the horse, &...) I love fun, laughing, adventure, & good company. All that are interested may apply. I'm always open for pleasure. Thanks for reading about me.................For those interested; I am on AOL & Yahoo! SN= in2ruffinit
adopt your own virtual pet!
Trait . low score high score
Sociability 85% socially reserved, detached friendly, open
Aggressiveness 9% mild mannered, uncompetitive predatory, domineering
Assertiveness 68% introverted, loner controlling, aggressive
Activity Level 95% relaxed, laid back vigorous, high energy
Excitement-Seeking 83% sedate, restrained adventurous, wild
Enthusiasm 90% somber, pessimistic cheerful, optimistic
Trust 49% suspicious of others trusting of others
Submissiveness 82% rebellious, lawless dutiful, obedient, compliant
Altruism 78% selfish, cold, austere helpful, selfless, indulgent
Cooperation 29% argumentitive, confrontational conflict averse, meek
Modesty 46% arrogant, self-satisfied humble, unassuming, doormat
Sympathy 69% callous, heartless empathetic, warm
Confidence 86% not confident in work confident in work, egoistic
Neatness 97% disorganized, messy planner, clean, anal
Dutifulness 78% dishonest, derelict honest, rule abiding, proper
Achievement 90% lazy, unmotivated driven, goal oriented
Self-Discipline 84% procrastinator responsible, efficient
Cautiousness 52% spontaneous, daring, reckless careful, controlled, safe
Anxiety 6% relaxed, fearless fearful, worrier
Volatility 8% calm, cool touchy, tempermental
Depression 13% content, balanced emotional, self hating
Self-Consciousness 8% confident, assured low self esteem, shy
Impulsiveness 96% high self control low self control
Vulnerability 30% resilient, unphased confused, helpless
Imagination 79% practical, realistic dreamer, unrealistic
Artistic Interests 52% artistic indifference art, nature, beauty lover
Introspection 81% not self reflective self searching
Adventurousness 80% conventional, safe spontaneous, bold
Intellect 62% instinctive, non-analytical intellectual, analytical
Liberalism 53% conservative, traditional progressive, open
Take Free Advanced Big 30 Personality Test
personality tests by similarminds.com
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
What American accent do you have? Your Result: The South

That's a Southern accent you've got there. You may love it, you may hate it, you may swear you don't have it, but whatever the case, we can hear it.

The Midland
The Inland North
The Northeast
The West
North Central
What American accent do you have?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

My Interests

music, travel, outdoors, watersports, camping, concerts, farming, animals, & friendsI am a HUGE PBR fan. I love the rodeo. I watch it like most fellas watch football... including jumping up & down & yelling at the tv...I love to be outdoors doing something physical. I'm not the lazy type, so I love a lot of activity. If its summertime, you can find my ass laid up at the lake! Come on with us & jump in the boat. You ain't lived 'till you've been slung around the water on a tube goin' 60 miles an hour.Music is my passion. One day I still dream of having it as a career.I love to travel. I love seeing the world & experiencing different cultures.
You Are 70% Weird
You're so weird, you think you're *totally* normal. Right?
But you wig out even the biggest of circus freaks! How Weird Are You?
Your Hidden Talent
Your natural talent is interpersonal relations and dealing with people.
You communicate well and are able to bring disparate groups together.
Your calming presence helps everything go more smoothly.
People crave your praise and complements. What's Your Hidden Talent?I am 55% Hippie.
.. I am not a child of the 60’s but my heart is true to the cause, man. I realize that being a hippie is not just bell bottoms and tie-dye. It is also about the drugs and smelling bad, too! I am 37% White Trash.
.. The white trash in my blood will not keep me from becoming a doctor or a lawyer, but it will keep me from a good haircut and any sort of fashion sense.

I'd like to meet:

SOMEONE A LOT LIKE MYSELF, BUT, DIFFERENT ENOUGH TO TOLERATE! I love laughter & fun. I love to eat well & sleep well. I am secure & well rounded; always with an open mind. I expect the same or at least close in someone else. I am very spritiual, yet not religious. I am humble, strong, & try to be independent. I especially love the outdoors & outdoor activity. I LOVE to travel and see other parts of the world & country. I love to experience new things, new culture, & new activities; but I am always happy to come back home or retreat to well known comforts & tradition. I am a Southern man and it shows. I like it ALL. BRING IT HONEY. I am looking for new people to hang with & have fun.
You Have A Type B+ Personality
B+ You're a pro at going with the flow You love to kick back and take in everything life has to offer A total joy to be around, people crave your stability.While you're totally laid back, you can have bouts of hyperactivity. Get into a project you love, and you won't stop until it's done You're passionate - just selective about your passions Do You Have a Type A Personality?
Your Personality Profile
You are elegant, withdrawn, and brilliant.
Your mind is a weapon, able to solve any puzzle.
You are also great at poking holes in arguments and common beliefs.

For you, comfort and calm are very important.
You tend to thrive on your own and shrug off most affection.
You prefer to protect your emotions and stay strong. The World's Shortest Personality TestYour results:
You are Superman Superman 80% The Flash 70% Green Lantern 65% Spider-Man 60% Supergirl 55% Wonder Woman 50% Iron Man 45% Catwoman 40% Robin 35% Hulk 30% Batman 25% You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test
Take the quiz:
WHat type of redneck r u??

cowboy or cowgirl redneck
you are the type of redneck who cares and is considerate of other people. You work hard no matter what your doin' and you always get the job done. You practice practice practice, till you make perfect.. your sexy in ur wranglers, cowboy hat, cowboy boots, and farmers tan!! Cowboys and Cowgirls also love the country and thier horses, but they also love thier beer!!

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!


I am a musician. I write, play, & sing. I'm a vocal major from UGA. I play 9 instruments including guitar, piano, & drums. I play in an orchestra & I used to sing in clubs & bars. I have my eyes set on something a lot bigger now- so dont be surprised if you see me on tv or hear me on the radio someday!ALL OF IT Country, bluegrass, blues, jazz, rock, industrial, techno, alternative, acoustic, folk, classical, theatre, world, oldiesFavorites (in NO particular order)= Rascal Flatts, Tim McGraw, George Strait, Coldplay, REM, U2, SADE, Duran Duran, PM Dawn, Toad the Wet Sprocket, Indigo Guys, Dave Matthews, NIN, Marylon Manson, Smashing Pumpkins, the Judds, Diamond Rio, Chemical Brothers, Prodigy, DJ Icey, Missy Elliot, Hank Jr, the Cure, Phil Collins, Sting, Peter Gabrial, System of a Down, DePeche Mode, Seal, and the TRUE King of POP- PRINCE, Tracy Chapman, Mary Chapin Carpenter, Lyle Lovette, Alabama, Willie & Waylon, Kenny Chesney, Dollie Pardon, Marvin Gaye, Natalie Merchant & 10,000 Maniacs, Tori Amos, Sublime, Staind, Sly & the Family StoneTake the quiz:
What football postion fits you best?

Your an aggresive person. You tend to want the small yards but the feeling of knowing you punished a player trying to stop you.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!


This is where it gets a little weird: Monty Python's Holy Grail & Life of Brian, The Jungle Book (original Disney), Any Disney Movie- Lion King, Alayddin, & the classics, Hoodwinked, The Secret of Nymh, The Dark Crystal, The Neverending Story, The Goonies, Breakfast Club, all of The Lord of the Rings, Fire in the Sky, the X-files movie, E.T., Close Encounters of the 3rd kind, Fried Green Tomatoes, Stand By Me, Dances With Wolves, The Color Purple, Far & Away, Legend, War of the Worlds, Independance Day, The Klumps, The Cell, 8 Seconds, The Cowboy Way, Forrest Gump, Steel Magnolias, Friday, Navy Seals, Platoon, Saving Private Ryan, SwingKids, Memphis Bell, Full Metal Jacket, Top Gun, Another Teenage Movie, Scary Movie, Sordid Lives, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Wolf Creek, Brokeback Mountain, Interview With a Vampire, & on & on & on...


PBR, E-vet Techs, The Crocodile Hunter, The Golden Girls RULE!, Fear Factor, Extreme Home Makeovers, The Simpsons, The Family Guy, The Muppet Show, Roseanne, Most Extreme Elimination (MXE), That 70's Show, All In The Family, Sanford & Son, Aqua Teen Hungar Force, SeaLab 2021, Samuri Jack, the Smurfs, Cow & Chicken, I Am Weisel, Dexter's Lab, Camp Lazlo, Inuyasha, The Family Guy, King of the Hill, and all classic Cartoons, Northern Exposure, Storm Stories, Real Video, Americas Funniest Home Videos, Discovery Channel (Shark Week Rules!), Animal Planet, World Traveler, Travel Channel, History Channel, A&E, documentarys, the Civil War & its Era, and anything having to do with ghosts, UFOs, bigfoot & the like, hauntings, and the unexplained Gordon Dean Byrd Jr --

A dance involving little to no clothing

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com


You Are 70% Redneck
You're just about as welcome up in town as a hair in a biscuit.Ain't no hidin' your redneck roots! How Redneck Are You?
Your Monster Profile
Insane Demon

You Feast On: Power Bars

You Lurk Around In: Las Vegas

You Especially Like to Torment: British People What's Your Monster Name?
Your Porn Star Name Is...
Big Al Rod What's Your Porn Star Name?


STEVE IRWIN- he gained my respect & attention with his bod contact with nature. He gained my support with his passion & enthusiasm for wildlife. He stole my heart with his genuine love for animals & thier well-being; and broke my heart when he died. However, he died doing the things he loved the most with the people he respected, and doing what God had called him to do. Steveo'- I hope that one day I can have just a fraction of the impact you have had on this Earth for the betterment of the environment, conservation, & education. MILITARY- they fight for out freedom & safety. They risk thier lives so we may live our own. FIREMAN- they run into burning buildings when everyone else is running out. EMT/PARAMEDICS- the save the lives of those in desperate need on any day at any hour. BULL RIDERS- Its the toughest sport on dirt. You have to admire anyone who will ride a 2000lb pissed off bull with horns! COWBOYS- They are an American original. Big hearted, wild spirited, grounded, brave, & adventuous. They blazed trails in history & survive by doing what they love.
for cowboys/cowgirls only!
ford or chevy? Ford
diesel or gas? Diesel twin turbo power stroke!
bulls or broncs? BULLS!!! PBR rocks
wrangler or cinch? wrangler
lace up or pull on boots? pull em on
Justin or H&H? Justin baby
tail gating or line dancing? tail gate it... you can dance around the fire
george strait or chis ledoux? GEORGE STRAIT forever
mossy oak or real tree camo? Real tree
bud or coors? whatever was in reach (when I was drinkin)
cope or skoal? neither... I always end up puking
do it for the buckle or the girls/guys? they come together, don't they!
men belong in the... Chute
women belong in the... barrel races
beef or pork? BEEF
hunting or fishing? funtching
drugs or jesus? Jesus is my homeboy
stetson or resistol? Stetson
bed of your truck or a motel? In the back w/ the tailgate down
texas or colorado? never been to Tx
ropin or wrestling? wrestling
tatoos or scars? tattoos baby!
weekend at the rodeo or weekend with the love of your life? weekend rodeo in the sack w/ the love of my life
-= Tell Us About Yourself =-
Name: G. Dean Byrd Jr
Birthday: August 3, 1975
How old do you act: 26
Zodiac Sign: Double Leo
Current location: Hampton, Ga
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color and Length: Red- short
Height: 6..'2.."
Your Heritage: Irish/Cherokee
What?s Your Middle Name: Dean
Shoes You Wore Today: Boots
Your Weakness: fuzzy butts & ice cream
Your Fear: apex preditors & heights
Have You Ever Ridden A Mechanical Bull: HELL YEAH!
Do You Want To: I always ..'want to..'
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Start recording my music
First Thought When You Wake Up: thank God I..'m still alive!
Best Physical Feature: The WHOLE package.. thats right!
Best Character Feature: loving kindness
Who Is Your Bestest Friend: Andrea
When Is Your Bedtime: 11:00pm
Your Most Cherished Memory: Setting up a fruit stand at the end of my driveway when I was 6 & having my grandmother drive by & buy me out. ( my mom called her LOL)
Pepsi or Coke: Diet Yes
McDonalds or Burger King: BKing- I like dem whoppers! ; )
Single or Group Dates: depends- just like them thangs old folks wear
What Is The Last Song You Sang: Seventeen by Stevie Nicks
Does Playing A Guitar Make A Girl/Guy More Attractive: Yes
What Is Your Biggest Pet Peeves: Slowness/Laziness & Self-righteousness & liars & hypocrite
Do You Drink: Not no more
Ever Been Drunk: A time or 8
Do You Smoke: Only those left in my dust...
Do You ?Smoke?: Kiss my grits
Do You Sing: very well, like a Byrd
What Color Underwear Do You Have On: blue
Do You Want To Go To College: been & going back
Have You Ever Been In Love: Yes
Do You Want To Get Married: Maybe
Do You Believe In Yourself: yes
Do You Believe In Others: some
Do You Like Thunderstorms: very much
Do You Play an Instrument: 9
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up: youthful
What Country Would You Like To Visit: All of em..'- specially Austrailia & Ireland & Europe
How Many CD?s Do you Own: A helluva lot less than has been stolen from me
How Many DvD?s Do You Own: 20 or so...
How Many Tattoo?s Do You Have: my entire back & rt calve- 8
How Many Piercings Do You Have: 4- keep in 1
How Many Things In You Past Do You Regret: I do not regret the past, nor wish to shut the door on it
-= Favorites =-
Favorite Shoes: boots
Favorite Radio Station: Dave FM 92.9q & Kicks 101.5
Favorite Drink Iced Tea
Favorite Car: Ford trucks
Favorite Place: the lake
Favorite Song: Summertime by K. Chesney
Favorite Movie: Monty Python & the Holy Grail
Favorite Moment: Watching Micheal Stipe sing my favorite REM song, Nightswimming, while being accompanied by Coldplay live @ Philips Arena
Favorite Color: blues, always blues, & greens
Favorite Meal: sushi- or mom..'s meatloaf with mashed potatoes & gravy, green beans, & corn on the cob
-= In a Guy/Girl or Man/Woman I Like? =-
Favorite Eye Color: blue/green
Favorite Hair Color: dark
Short Hair or Long Hair: ABSOLUTELY short
Height: no shorter than 5..'8
Body Type: well built
Does Ethnicity Matter: very much
Piercings: depends
Tattoos: hot
-= ?Bed Side Manor? =-
Do You Think You Are Attractive: yes, most of the time
Are You Attracted To Someone Who Does Not Know It: a lot
Would You Like To Be Someone?s Fantasy: maybe- depends on who
Hunter or Hunted: yes
Do You Kiss With Your Eyes Open or Closed: closed
Ever Kissed Someone Of The Same Sex: prefer to
A Little or A Lot Of Tongue: yes
Older or Younger: not too young, not too old
Top or Bottom: yes
Lights On, Lights Off or Candle Light: yes
Do You Like To Cuddle After: yes
Do you Like To Cuddle In General: yes
Trimmed, Shaved or Let IT Go Wild: trim
Him / Her First or Second: see me for details
Have You Ever Had Bad Sex: unfortunaltly
Have You Ever Had Sex With Someone And Regretted It: kinda
Ever Have A 3Some, 4Some or More-Some: yes... he he he...
Does Sex = Love To You: NO
-= Right Now =-
Right Now, What Is Todays Date: June 1, 2006
Right Now, What Time Is It: 12:32am
Right Now, Who Are You Thinking Of: Going to bed
Right Now, What Are You Listening To: the sound of rain
Right Now, Do You Love Some One: I love many people
Right Now, Does Someone Love You: I know they do
Right Now, Do You Know Where Your Mechanical Bull Is: Not in my bed where I..'d like... LOL
Right Now, Is It Raining: actually no, lol (see 4 questions up)
Right Now, How Many MySpace Friends Do You Have: 266
Right Now, Are You Happy very much so
-= Right Now, You Are Finish This Survey! =-
Tell us YOUR answers to this survey! Click HERE!
Created by davhill, taken 7148 times.
Created at Kwiz.biz - Kwizzes, Polls and Surveys!

My Blog

control immigration

> "The American Indians found out what happens when you> don't control> immigration.">> Try this experiment.>> Put a bird feeder in your yard and fill it with bird> seed.>> It doesn't take long before...
Posted by WildMan on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 09:21:00 PST

Pee break- :)

Funny Funny Funny LifeGuard in the Pool Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by WildMan on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 10:17:00 PST


testicles. Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by WildMan on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 11:40:00 PST


Something in me, dark and stickyAll the time it's getting strongNo way of dealing with this feelingCan't go on like this too longThis time you've gone too far I told you This time you've gone too far ...
Posted by WildMan on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 11:35:00 PST

I don't like to see so much pain

..Love i get so lost, sometimesDays pass and this emptiness fills my heartWhen i want to run awayI drive off in my carBut whichever way i goI come back to the place you areAll my instincts, they retur...
Posted by WildMan on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 11:19:00 PST


The first player of this game starts with "6 weird things/habits about yourself", and people who get tagged need to write a blog with 6 weird things/habits about themselves, as well as state the rules...
Posted by WildMan on Wed, 19 Jul 2006 08:24:00 PST

some of my videos!

Posted by WildMan on Sun, 25 Jun 2006 10:48:00 PST

No PRIDE for me! I do my own thing...

I hope everyone had as good of a time as I did this weekend! ...
Posted by WildMan on Sun, 25 Jun 2006 10:32:00 PST

HOT- and funny too!

Posted by WildMan on Thu, 15 Jun 2006 05:01:00 PST

Love to live free- fun in the sun in the South!

Posted by WildMan on Mon, 12 Jun 2006 11:53:00 PST