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Christopher Andrew

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

me...a well natured person in seek of what i want to be in the future.always open for conversatons in any matters,from formal to green. approachable type of person,one can consult me in any matters.a good listener. a very social person indeed.sometimes a happy-go-lucky lover.Ü always desiring to have fun till i drop.Ü
The Heavens shall open again
The Stars will lose their way,
And Fear decends upon the earth
A saint awakens and destroys the seal of chains.
Ravenous teeth shall rape the land
The land! Tis cruel.
Crimson Blood stains the ground
Under the Sun
The 8 jewels of Legend and Lore shall appear
And Satan will have arisen. .
Heed these words ye wise man!
A day shall come
Upon which the soil shall 8 stars be affixed,
Nightmare’s Day shall it be called
When Heaven’s rays divide the sky and
Echoing wails ring in the Valley of Death,
And a light will come down upon this land from the world once forgotten.
- excerpt from ‘Nightmare’s Day’, of the Great Prophecy

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

id like to meet party lovers.Ü people who always have fun,going to parties and the like.people who are who they are no secrecy in friendship.people who loves going out in the sun.hates fair-weather friends.also those who are happy-go-lucky type of person.Ü sports enthusiasts are very welcome to be one of my friends.Geeky type may also be welcome as long as they dont wear geeky glasses.Ü hehe.

My Blog

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