Everyone Who Loves Christmas!!!!!!Mistletoe The Druids, who lived in Britain in pre-Christian times, are responsible for the use of mistletoe at christmas. They worshipped the oak tree and as mistletoe grew on oak trees, they regarded it as a very special plant and though it possessed magical qualities that kept the sleeping oak alive during the cold winter days.The believed chopping down an oak tree covered in mistletoe promised death to the woodcutter within the year. Kissing Under The Mistletoe The Druids dedicated mistletoe to the Goddess of love, which explains the kissing that goes of under it. Originally, when a boy kissed a girl,he plucked a berry from the cluster and presented to her. When the berries were gone,so were the kisses. The tradition of giving gifts is thought to be related to the gifts that the wise men (the Magi) brought to Jesus.