Physics, and science in general. Fetishes. Reptiles. Tattoos. Piercings. Fighting (someday I will actually start winning.) I HATE interviews. Intelligence. Playful people. Talking till 6 in the morning. Italics. Politics (I am a recovering CSPAN addict.) Poetry. Romance (dairy free, please.) Close friends. Amusing myself (occasionally at the expense of others, but that's what friends are for ;). Parenthetical asides (I think I have a problem).
Fellow wanderers and true friends lost...
Guns n' Roses. Motorhead. AC/DC. Buttrock in general. Zombie. Allanis Morissette. Kid Rock. Sarah McLachlan. Jem. Dido. Coldplay. Alice in Chains. Tool. A Perfect Circle. Marilyn Manson (reluctantly.) Van Halen (even Van Hagar.) Zeppelin. Godsmack. Sheryl Crow. Metallica. Joan Jett. Natalie Imbruglia. Skynard. Damien Rice. John Mayer. Nirvana (despite being responsible for those dark years in the 90's) ..
The Unforgiven. Fallen. Shrek. Fight Club. Solaris. 28 Days Later. Saw. Dawn of the Dead. The Matrix. The Professional. Movies that start with 'The'. Minority Report. Vanilla Sky. Movies that explore what it means to be human--particularly those that explore the darker side.
Scrubs. NPR and that other station next to it (is it strange I see the tv in my head?) CSPAN. Star Trek (don't even start). The Family Guy. If I admit I like Beavis and Butthead, will you hold that against me?
Cat's Cradle. The Elegant Universe. The Last Unicorn (again, don't start.) King Richard III (plays are close enough.)
Calvin (aka Stupendous Man).